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Quinn rolled over and looked at Dylan.

"Whatever you did today is messing with your mind." Dylan noted. "You're still there."

"I'm here." Quinn responded.

Dylan shook his head. "You're here, but your head is somewhere else."

"I'm here." Quinn repeated. "And I'm fine."

"Why don't we go see Beth?" Dylan suggested. "That usually helps."

"I don't need you to try and read me or make assumptions right now." Quinn stated as she got out of bed and started getting dressed. "We're not in the courtroom or your office or..."

Quinn trailed off and looked at Dylan.

Dylan raised his eyebrow.

"Sorry." Quinn apologized as she sat down on the edge of the bed. "I just have a lot on my mind."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Dylan offered.

Quinn shook her head. "No."

Dylan nodded slowly.

"Look, this is all still somewhat new." Quinn reminded Dylan. "And I'm not ready to share every single thing yet."

"Well, you can." Dylan told Quinn. "I'm pretty trustworthy."

Quinn nodded. "I know. Thank you."

Dylan smiled as he wrapped his arms around Quinn and kissed her cheek. "I'm here for you, if you need anything."

Quinn nodded again.

"What do you wanna do tonight?" Dylan wondered.

Quinn paused as she thought about it. Dylan never wanted to go out. He always said something about how he was a professional and he couldn't risk being seen or photographed participating in delinquent behavior.

"Why don't we order in and watch a movie?" Quinn suggested.

Dylan nodded as he slowly got up and started getting dressed. "I'll call in our order. Why don't you go pick a movie?"



Quinn's phone went off while she and Dylan were laying on the couch. She glanced at it and saw it was the New Directions' groupchat.

hey guys! I know it's such short notice but tomorrow night Noah is playing at the café a few blocks from Santana's apartment and we should all go to support him and his music

Tina & I will be there

Great! So far we have Finn and myself, Kurt and Blaine, Santana and Brittany, and Mike and Tina!

Me and Sam are coming

I can't make it

After sending her response, Quinn silenced her phone and put it in her pocket. She turned her attention back to Dylan and whatever movie was playing on the TV screen.

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