Author's Note

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When you're young, anything seems possible. I remember being about seven, eating watermelon on my neighbor Daniel's back step. I swallowed a seed and we imagined a watermelon plant growing through my head, bearing fruit for us to eat the following summer.

I remember during my cousin's summer visits, climbing down the cliffs, into a small cove, pretending we were stranded on a deserted island. We could almost feel a real sense of urgency, waiting for a ship to happen by and rescue us.

The imagination of youth is filled with endless possibilities, and nothing seems impossible. Youth also brings nightmares that make us too scared to run to our parent's bedroom, for fear of what might lurk under our beds, waiting to grab our heals. Eventually we grow up and realize there's no such things as the monsters of our dreams... or is there?

It is said that we all have a sixth sense at birth, which gives us, among other things, the ability to communicate with the departed. Most of us suppress these abilities as we age, because we're taught it's not real. Perhaps it's because we'd rather convince ourselves there's nothing supernatural to fear, since acknowledging it means there IS something to fear.

We stop believing in things like watermelon plants growing out of our heads because science teaches us it's not possible, but it's never proven there's no life after death, angels, demons or things that go bump in the night... So why are some of us so quick to dismiss the possibility? Could it be we just lose the kind of imagination that can make you feel like you're actually on a deserted island when in fact you're down the cliffs in your backyard?

This story comes from my vivid imagination, of a world where monsters do exist.

It is in no way meant to disrespect anyone's religious beliefs. It is simply a story of my creation. I hope you enjoy it.

This is a new concept for me, and there may be grammar errors. I welcome all feedback. My goal is to hone and improve my writing.

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