7. The Accident

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Who would have thought I would be glad to go to school. I felt somewhat normal here, no ghosts, or weird visions.

Seth was waiting for me by my locker when I got there tuesday morning.

"Hey babe. You look tired, maybe twelve was too late to keep you up last night."

I smiled. "No, it was nice to relax and cuddle with you. My weekend was pretty nuts." Just like I am, I thought to myself.

"The kissing was pretty awesome too."

I felt my face turning crimson and turned my head away.

"Why are you blushing?" He reached for my chin and gently pulled my face so he could look into my eyes.

"Abbey, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and sometimes I say stuff without thinking. It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's okay. It's just that I'm new to this relationship stuff. It makes me feel special, but a little awkward."

"You are special."

"Grams won't think you're special if she ever catches you sneaking back into my room after she thinks you're gone," I took the last book I needed for my morning classes and slammed my locker shut.

"Yeah, let's not think about that. She might be a little old lady, but I bet she can be fierce," he smiled. "If toy think about it, it's not like we're really being deceptive. We don't do anything we wouldn't do if she knew I was there."

"Tell yourself whatever you need to help you clear your conscience, Seth."

"Oh, like you don't feel a twinge of guilt?"

"We're not talking about me."

The bell rang before he had a chance to answer. He kissed my cheek. "Oh, before I forget, I'm going to lunchwith the guys. Do you mind?"

"Of course not, Seth. You do have friends."

"Cool. You're the best. So, I'll see you after school?"

"Not until tonight, I start work today, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot. Text me when you get home."

"The second I walk in the door..."

At lunch time, the girls were sitting at our usual spot. Nobody brought up what had happened over the weekend, which was good. Calli told us about Marcus being her biology lab
partner, and went on about how good he looked and smelled.

"Yeah, well, you better keep your eyes on what you're doing when it's time to dissect. Knowing you, you'll cut your finger off," Sophie teased.

"Oh, I won't have to worry about that. I'll act like a squeamish girl, so he'll dissect. That way I can stare without him realizing and it makes him think he's somewhat of a hero," Calli smiled from ear to ear.

"Why would you pretend to be something you're not, for a boy? You're the least squeamish girl I know. I would sooner beat him over the head and drag him back to my house." Sophie took a sip of her juice. "You can really stare at him if he's unconscious."

"I'm sure that would go over well, Sophie."

"Better than being a sell-out," she teased.

"Abbey, tell her I'm not being a sell-out," she protested.

"I don't know, Calli. One of the reasons you said you took Biology was to cut stuff open. You even said you hoped you got one of those squeamish girls you'll be pretending to be, as your lab partner, so you could do the cutting."

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