10. The Prophecy

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Joe insisted on making some jasmine blooming tea, pouring me a cup even though I'd said. "No thanks". However, I was quite impressed by the way the little round bulb bloomed into a flower as he poured the hot water in my cup.

"Well now, where should I start?" His brow furrowed, as he poured himself a cup as well. " Oh, I know. Excuse me a moment."

He retreated to his back room, and I quickly switched our tea cups. You can't be too careful , I told myself. I took a sip, surprised it was actually tasty. The clinking of the bead curtain announced Joe's return.

"This is probably the best proof I have to show you." He placed a worn, fragile looking book in front of me. "This is a prophecy which was foretold 700 years ago."

I carefully flipped through the pages. They had intricate, hand painted pictures and designs on the borders, and fancy calligraphy writing in a foreign language. "What does this have to do with me?"

"That prophecy is about you, written in an ancient lost language originating in the Zagros Mountains. The only people who can understand it are those who are of divine nature"

"So...what does it say?"


"You can call me Abbey." I cut him off, before taking another sip of tea.

"Abbey, you must have noticed the increase in natural disasters in recent years. The Indian Ocean tsunami, hurricane Katrina, and the earthquake in Haiti?" His face was somber.

"Yeah, it's awful."

"Well, they're warnings of the end of things."

"You mean the end of the world?"

"Possibly, and that's where you come in. This prophecy foretells of a special angel that can change that outcome." He seemed optimistic. "Let me start at the beginning. We have a Creator. There are many different names for him, but he's the same one, no matter what we call him, or how we choose to believe in him. There are, however other creators. They have created their own worlds, but that doesn't affect you or our planet."

"So, what does affect me?" I was eager to finally have answers.

"Well, as I said before, you're an angel, and not just any angel. Our Creator also gave life to angels. He gave them various jobs, like watching over humans, helping them cross over after death, and some were to be guardians, assigned to guide one human. You were created for a special purpose though." He raised one eyebrow.

"Right...and what would that purpose be?" I asked sarcastically.

"To protect and purge the earth from evil forces." He answered matter-of-factly.

"Oh, well, that explains everything. How did I not see that before?"

"Abbey, this is serious. I can't believe the veil that clouds your memory is still so strong."

"I know I seem arrogant, but this is all just a little unbelievable," I sighed.

"I get it, but it's important you understand your role.... now where was I? Oh yes, our Creator loved his humans. He got to know each one personally before clouding their memory, and sending them down to earth. He put much time into caring for them, and was proud when they made it back to him, stronger and more humbled by their life here. Things changed though, because some of the angels assigned to help humans started influencing them to make bad decisions, hoping our Creator would see them as flawed. "

"Why would they do that?" I pressed.

"Just like humans, angels have their own thoughts and feelings. Some, without question, wanted to do the work of the Creator because they loved and respected him. Some weren't as reverent and became jealous of humans, who unlike angels, had free will," he explained.

The Angel Prophecies: Opal SkyWhere stories live. Discover now