17. Metaphysical

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It was late when Seth dropped me off but I don't think Grams even noticed I had left. I crawled in bed, exhausted and overwhelmed. I still couldn't remember Artie, so I decided to go seek help from Joe in the morning. Maybe he could help me figure out why.

I woke around 8 a.m., showered and called Joe to see if he'd be home. I tucked the amulet safely in a pocket of my purse, hoping to get some answers about its purpose as well as why some memories hadn'tcome back. I wasn't sure why, but I felt compelled to shove the button in my pocket as I was grabbing the amulet from my side table drawer. I borrow Grams' car and  was headed to Portland by 9:00 a.m.

Joe greeted me at the door before I even had a chance to knock. "I'm so happy to see you."

"Not as happy as I am to see you. I remember almost everything, and you're the only person who can help with the things I don't," I answered.

"I'm so glad to hear you've made progress," he grinned.  "This is the breakthrough I've been waiting for. We need to start working on how to control your powers, but first I'll help you in any way I can. So, what's up?"

I sat in the chair of his waiting room, uncertain what to ask first. "Why can't I remember everything?"

"You'll remember everything you're supposed to as you come into your full powers. Some things are intentionally blocked from your mind, for now."

"Like what?"

"Like all the details from your parents' lives. Their last life will be completely blank to you, except for what you were involved with." He headed toward his bead curtain. "You have to go this one by instinct. I was just making tea, would you like some ?"

He'd already passed through the curtain before I could answer.

"Sure." I answered loudly. I kept talking, even though he wasn't in the room. "I don't understand how I can remember my parents past lives that I was never part of though."

A moment later Joe returned with a tray carrying tea and shortbread cookies in the shape of turkeys. He placed the tray on a table and poured into tea both our cups as he continued. "You watched all their lives, from the sidelines, and that's why you remember everything."

"So what's so special about this one that I can only remember the moments I was with them ?"

"Well, for one, you were here for 13 years of it, so you couldn't observe from heaven. In past lives, when you were born, you'd see everything like a movie, after you all returned. Even the parts when they were away from you. You're still here, so you didn't get that recap this time. There's also certain things you have to make your own decisions about, and discover on your own. Just like your parents had to try and prove they could overcome temptation and evil, without influence, you have to as well."

"Okay, but why do I need a guide like you if that's the case?"

He smiled as he bit pff the head of a turkey cookie. "Because I'm a guide, not an oracle. My job is to guide you by teaching you how to use your powers and to control them. I can give you some advise, but not tell you anything that could influence your choices or your future."

"Why can't I remember things that happened to me though, like Artie
who was transformed into a werewolf."

"Those memories will return in due time. There's probably more you aren't even aware that you can't remember." He held out the plate of cookies, and I picked one that was missing part of his tail.

"Oh, I almost forgot." I put the cookie on my knee and reached for the amulet in my purse. I pulled it out by the chain so the turtle swung freely. "What's this, and why do the evil ones want it so bad?"

The Angel Prophecies: Opal SkyWhere stories live. Discover now