23. Calm Before the Storm

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A few days after my encounter with Abbadon, Grams decided it was time to tell tante Elizabeth and my cousins everything. She knew it was against what she'd agreed to, but she felt responsible for their safety and that my aunst should know what having us live with her and her children could lead to. They didn't believe it at first, until I teleported into another room of the house. We even told them about Seth, Calli and Sophie.

I wasn't sure if telling them was the right thing to do, but it certainly had helped us bond and become more like a family. It helped them understand my behavior.

I told everyone it was the last time I wanted to discuss anything about angels, Abbadon, or anything else about the prophecy, until after Thanksgiving and Christmas. I wanted to have nice, normal holidays, surrounded by the people I am grateful for.

The only exception was when I trained with Joe. I had no choice but to talk about the angel abilities I had to try and manifest. I stopped going to school, so I spent most of my days practicing with him.

I had come into many of my powers, but I still had to learn how to control them. I couldn't seem to learn to take my full angel form, with my wings, which would complete my transformation. I wouldn't gain my full strength and abilities until then. I knew the fact I was struggling, had something to do with my ordeal with Abbadon.

During Christmas break, I spent a lot of time with Tyler, Shaylah and Maria. Tyler and I made a gingerbread house, which him and his friends devoured. Maria, Shaylag and I baked sweets and watched Christmas movies.

On Christmas eve, we each opened one gift, and had creamed Nova Scotia lobster, which Grams found at the market.

"Are you scared?" Maria asked me while we ate.

"I used to be. I thought I was losing my mind when I started seeing ghosts. I'm not scared of Abbadon anymore either. "

"So, what kind of badassed powers do you have?" Tyler asked.

I chucked. "Well, I'm stil learning what somee of them are, but I can move things with my mind, and read people's thoughts. "

He swallowed hard. "Like, you can tell what I'm thinking?".

"Yes, but don't worry. I'd never invade youre privacy. Is only use it when I have to. "

He sighed a breath of relief. I didn't have the heart to tell him that until recently, I hadn't learned to control it. I knew he liked a girl in his class, and that he'd tried a cigarette, out if curiosiry. I'd thought about talking to him about smoking, but I knew he'd hated it and had no plans on trying it again.

Tante Elizabeth and Grams got up from the table to get dessert ready. One scooped trifle and the other scooped vanilla ice cream into bowls.

"So, Seth found you in every life?" Shaylah asked.

"Yes. I'm not sure exactly how, but he did. "

"That's so romantic. " She swooned.

I smiled. "I'm sure you'll find someone who loves you just as much."

"I hope so. Marie found one. "

Marie didn't say a word, but her look said to shut up.

"Marie, why are you keeping him a secret?"

She looked around the room to make sure nobody else was listening . "He knows Seth."

I knew what that meant. He wasn't completely human. It's funny how wild horses couldn't drag me from Seth, but the thought of my little cousin dating a non human was off limits.

"What's his name?"

"Andreas." She grinned.

I searched my memory, but came up with none of any Andreas. "I don't think I know him. "

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