These Straps are Overcomplicated

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This was ridiculous. Absolutely 100% ridiculous. Armin had no idea why they even needed straps in the first place. I mean it was a great harness for holding up 3D Maneuvering Gear, but when it didn't do that, what was the point? Even though Armin had been putting on and taking off the straps regularly for awhile now, he never quite mastered efficiency. He would always put a strap in the wrong buckle or manage to get himself tangled, like he had now. So now the blonde was standing alone, being the last one to finish, wrapped up in straps feeling frustrated. He just didn't know where all the stupid things attached and he huffed, looking down at himself. His harness was a twisted mess. Armin heard a soft chuckle and he recognised the laugh right away. He'd recognise it anywhere. "E-Eren," he said simply. The boy just stared at him with green eyes, a soft smile on his lips. "Having a little trouble?" he teased and Armin just flushed in embarrassment, turning away. Armin heard Eren shuffle and when he looked up, the brunet was in front of him, his hands reaching for his waist. Armin felt his cheeks darken as Eren unhinged one of the buckles and attached it in the correct place. His fingers moved agilely over the various straps as if he had done this a million times. He grabbed Armin's shoulder making the blond bite his lip at how gentle he was being. Eren turned him around, his hands moving on the back of the harness. Armin blushed at their close proximity and swallowed thickly. Why was he getting so worked up over this? He had always known he'd had feelings for his best friend, but he'd always been able to hide his blush or repress his urge to press his lips to Eren's. But the fact that the boy holding his heart was so close to him, the heat of his touch lingering on his skin through the fabric, was making Armin lose his cool. Eren adjusted the leather around the blond's waist before turning him around again, taking hold of the strap across his chest. Armin felt Eren's breath tickle his skin and his breath hitched. He glanced at Eren, but the brunet was focused on his task. He gave it one more tug and secured it. He lifted his gaze to meet Armin's and he felt his heart thundering in his chest. The blond couldn't help letting his eyes fall to the boy's lips as a blush overwhelmed his face. He saw Eren quickly lick his lips. "Armin..." he said softly. The name just hung in the air, becoming the only thing separating them. He looked up into sea-green eyes and his heart leaped when he saw them glance to his mouth. Eren began to lean forwards but stopped with a few centimetres between them. He looked at him as if he was silently asking for permission and Armin smiled softly before gently taking Eren's lips with his own. The first kiss was short, soft, almost unsure. It must've lasted only a few seconds, but when they pulled away, Armin was addicted. He hurriedly brought their lips back together and worded a mental apology to the brunet at the abrupt force. But Eren didn't seem to mind, even smiling a little into the kiss. The pressure was confident, their lips certain, their hands wandering. Armin shakily raised his arms to wrap around Eren's neck, pulling them flush against each other. He wanted—no, he needed this. He let a whimper escape his lips as Eren ran his tongue along the seam of his mouth and the sound gave Eren entrance. He gently pushed his tongue into Armin's mouth, meeting his own and both boys let out a sound at the touch. Their breath came out in hurried pants as the kiss grew more and more desperate. Soon they were kissing like tomorrow would never come, like they would die the second they pulled away. But, thankfully, that was not what happened. Eren just leaned his forehead against Armin's, his fingers gently running through blonde hair, ghosting his jaw ever so slightly. Armin smiled quickly and breathed, "Maybe I should let you help me with my straps more often."

He saw Eren smirk and lick his lips, ocean eyes following his tongue as it moved. "Maybe you should."

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