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Eren staggered in the dark, his breath coming out in frozen puffs in the crisp October air. He tightened his grip on his best friend's waist, trying to keep the boy on his feet. Damn horseface had to force him to drink, didn't he? Armin hadn't even wanted to go to the party in the first place. He went in the most hesitant, but he left the most wasted. Maybe it was his nerves that made him listen when Jean tried to pressure him to push himself. One more! One more!

Eren scoffed, anger swirling in his stomach. It was Jean's fault Armin was like this, giggling and unstable on his feet. If Eren had had more than just a beer, he would've had no way to get home. He probably would've tried to walk, since he lived a block down, but would've been on the side of a rather busy street and Eren didn't want to think about what might've happened if he hadn't been there to help. Armin giggled and swayed, but Eren caught him before he fell. "Ereeennnn~" he groaned, grinning. "I wanna go hooome,"

"I know, Min. We're almost there."

Eren heaved his friend towards the front door to his apartment and searched the blond's pockets for the keys. "Ooh, feisty~" Armin smirked when Eren finally found them in his back pocket. He ignored him, unlocking the door and dragging his friend inside. He dropped Armin on the couch and sighed, looking into his foggy blue eyes. "I'll get you some water." he said before heading off to get it and some aspirin. When he returned, Armin was waiting for him, running a hand through his messy blond hair. He sat down beside the blond and handed him the glass and the medicine. "Take this," he said gently, biting his lip at the look he received. He obeyed, downing the pills and a sip of water before turning back to the brunet. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

Armin giggled and reached out to him. Eren pulled him to his feet and led him to his bedroom, sitting him down on the mattress. He pulled off his shoes and began to undo his pants, trying to ignore the suggestive look Armin was giving him. He blushed, avoiding his eyes and pulling his pants off, throwing them in his hamper. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to Armin and the way he was acting was doing strange things to him. But he wasn't going to take advantage of him like this.

"Eren..." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around the brunet and pulling him closer. "Touch me..."

"Armin, I can't."

"Why not? Come on, it's just one night..." he said, leaning closer. Eren was tempted to close the remaining space between them, but he could smell the alcohol on his breath and shook his head. "We can't do this. I can't take advantage of you."

He saw Armin's eyes water and he let him go, his gaze downcast, blond hair shadowing his face. "Armin?" he asked when he heard a soft sniffle and when the boy spoke, his voice was broken. "Eren . . . wh-why don't you l-love me?"

His breath hitched. "A-Am I not g-good enough f-f-for you? Is it L-Levi? Are you in-into him?"

He let out a sob and Eren sat down beside his best friend, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Armin, I'm not into Levi." he almost laughed, and he probably would've given different circumstances. Armin lifted his face, tear stains shimmering in the moonlight and Eren felt his heart break. "I'm into you." he said earnestly, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze, as if the touch would let him know he really meant it. Armin blinked, sniffling. "Wh-what?"

"I'm into you."

He gave a gentle smile. "Will you a-at least . . . st-stay with me?" the blond asked almost shyly. Eren smiled. "Of course."

They fell back into the mattress and Eren wrapped his arms around his best friend. Armin snuggled into his chest, sighing softly and relaxing under the boy's touch. "I l-love you, Eren. So much..."

Eren pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I love you too, Min." he whispered and they soon drifted off to sleep.

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