Magic Pocky

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"Armin, I'm a genius," was Eren's statement as he burst through the door to their dorm. The blond sighed and put down the book he had been reading. "Don't tell me you've thought of another prank for Jean. Seriously, you guys are so competitive, this war will never end."

"No, not that." Eren said with a bit of a smile. "But I do still have to think of some way to get him back for the whole hair dye incident. And you better believe it'll be magnificent."

Armin just crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow mockingly at his friend. "Oh you mean like last time?"

"That was entirely Marco's fault! Anyways, that's not the point." he said, sitting next to Armin on the couch. "So you didn't come to discuss plans to ruin Jean's reputation?"

"No, I came with a solution to another boring Sunday."

He held up a box and when Armin looked, he immediately recognized it. "Pocky? I'm sorry, but I don't think it's that magical, Eren."

"It's not the pocky that'll fix our boredom—"

"You mean your boredom,"

"Shut up, this is important," he said, but Armin could hear the laughter in his voice. They were just like that. "It's what we're gonna do with it that's the fun part."

Armin gave Eren a questioning look. He felt a twist of nervousness course through his body but replied coolly, "What are we gonna do with it?"

Eren smirked before opening the box and taking out a piece of pocky. "Ever heard of the pocky game?" the brunette asked and Armin shook his head. "No. Explain."

"Well, one person puts one end of the pocky in their mouth and the other puts the other end in their mouth. They both start eating the stick and the first one to pull away is the loser. Wanna play?"

"To be honest, not really."

"Great, come here."

Armin sighed, but actually he was kind of excited. This was definitely adding interest to his Sunday, however odd it was. "Do you want the chocolate end or the biscuit end?" Eren asked with a serious face. Armin giggled. "Doesn't matter."

Eren let him have the chocolate side and he gently placed the pocky between his lips. He had never noticed how incredibly short pocky sticks were until Eren was in front of him, holding his end in his mouth. "Ready?" the brunette asked around the stick. Armin gave a small nod and they began to nibble. The blond went slow at first before suddenly rushing forward and capturing most of it. Eren pulled away in shock and Armin happily ate the rest of the pocky. "You cheated."

"No I didn't, there were no rules about speed."

Eren pulled another stick from the box and placed it between them. They began again, both going slower this time. Armin's heart began to race as more of the stick disappeared. Eren hadn't pulled away yet. In fact, he was getting even closer, taking bigger portions and suddenly Armin had to blush and pull away. The brunet let out a cheer of victory, taking out another. "Tiebreaker," he said. The blond nodded, his mind still fuzzy from the last one. He took the end between his teeth and Eren did the same, ocean eyes locking with emerald. He got lost for a moment, floating somewhere in Eren's eyes before he realized they had begun. He was going much slower now, taking larger bites with pauses in between. It was like a game of chicken, each boy silently daring the next to go even closer than he just had. Three inches, two — Armin felt his face beginning to burn. Their noses touched and they met each other's gaze again. Armin could make out the faint blush dusting Eren's cheeks and suppressed the butterflies in his stomach. Eren took a small bite closer. Armin knew he had to reciprocate and, after a moment of hesitation, inched a bit closer. Their lips were separated by a mere centimeter now. Armin could feel Eren's warm breath against his mouth and all he could hear was his own heartbeat pounding ferociously in his ears. It was Eren's turn. Armin had reduced the space and now it was his turn.

Warm lips pressed gently against Armin's. To the blond, this was both expected but also entirely shocking. He knew there was a possibility Eren would kiss him, but didn't think he actually would. They swallowed the rest of the pocky and Eren readjusted so their mouths pressed together more firmly. Armin brought his hands up to shakily tangle in Eren's hair, pulling him closer. He almost whimpered at the new pressure, but managed to keep it at bay. But then Eren was running his tongue along the seam of his mouth and Armin was gasping, giving him entrance. Their tongues met and electricity shot through Armin's body. The kiss was passionate and sweet with a hint of need that kept growing. Moans slipped from both of them as they explored each other's mouths as much as they could, seemingly trying to memorize every detail with a touch. Eren's hands were running up and down his back, sometimes settling over his hips and the blond shuddered pleasurably. But then Armin became aware of the fact that his lungs felt like they were on fire and the same thing seemed to be happening for Eren as they both pulled away from the kiss. They stared at each other, limbs still entangled, trying desperately to catch their breath. "Who won?" Armin asked. The brunette shook his head. "I don't know, but I do know I'd really like to do that again."

The blond gave a small smirk, his eyes falling to his best friend's lips before meeting them with his own. And as hands began to wander and moans began slipping from their mouths, Armin decided that maybe pocky was a little magical.

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