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Eren had always hated Jean. That fact was known to everyone who had ever seen the two in the same room together. There wasn't a single time they could be anywhere near each other without going at each other's throats. But Eren had never hated Jean as much as he did in this moment.

The horse-face had suggested he, Eren, Armin, and Marco play twister together. Seeing as Marco knew them a bit and Armin was friends with Jean — Eren had no idea how that had happened — it was like a bonding experience, or at least that's what Jean thought. And Armin had agreed and Eren couldn't say no to those eyes so he went along, sulking as they set up the game. When the mat was laid out and everything was set, Eren volunteered to be the referee while Marco, Armin, and Horse-Face played the game. They agreed and he gave the spinner a twirl. "Left foot yellow." he said. They all did so and Eren realized how much control he had over them. He spun again. "Right foot blue."

He continued calling out directions, sticking up his middle finger at Jean behind the others backs or secretly staring at Armin's backside when he wasn't paying attention. But Eren would lock up the gay and continue with the game. Marco eventually got eliminated and Jean and Armin became a tangled mess. Eren didn't like the way Jean's hand had to be between Armin's legs to reach the red circle. Thankfully, Jean failed and Armin was declared the winner. Naturally, Jean demanded a rematch, but this time, Eren took Armin's place. He didn't like the thought of being wrapped around Jean in some awkward position, but it was better than Armin in his place. Jean somehow ended up having to stick his foot under Eren and lost his balance, crashing to the floor and getting disqualified. Shortly afterwards, Marco slipped and lost as well.

The boys decided to do a loser's game and a winner's game, and both groups would have their own winner, but the winner's winner would be extra special. Eren laughed as Jean and Marco struggled to compete around each other, their limbs tangling awkwardly. Eventually, although Jean would deny it, he tickled Marco's ribs, causing him to lose his balance and make Horse-Face the winner. Then it was Eren and Armin's turn. "Left hand blue."

It wasn't so bad actually. They were still quite a distance away and hadn't gotten mixed up in any sort of trouble yet. "Left foot green."

Closer. Eren felt his cheeks heat up at the thought of entangling himself with Armin. "Right hand yellow. Left foot blue. Left hand red."

Armin reached his hand behind him and Eren had gone for the same circle, ending up above him, a knee between his open legs. Eren blushed, moving his hand to the empty circle next to the first, trying to ignore Armin's warm breath on his face. "Right foot blue."

The blond reached his foot out, having to hook it around Eren's to reach a blue circle. This brought them even closer and the brunet noticed his friend's cheeks were dusted pink. "Right hand green."

Oh he had to be kidding. Eren wrapped his hand under Armin's back, pressing his face into his chest, fingertips barely touching the green. He could hear how fast Armin's heart was beating and his own pulse quickened at the sound. "Left hand yellow."

Armin moved towards the yellow, trapping himself directly under Eren with much less stable arm support. "Left foot red."

Armin went for the circle underneath the one Eren chose, and managed to trip him, sending them crashing to the ground in a most unfortunate position. Eren was essentially straddling Armin and when they locked eyes, he found he couldn't pull himself away. But then Armin was kissing him and his heart was flying and he was kissing back. And Jean might've yelled something about getting a room, but Eren had never listened to the horse-face anyway.

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