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"What's wrong, fag, boyfriend not here to save you?"

They shoved Armin against a locker and he felt pain radiate from the back of his skull.  "I-It's not — we don't —"

"Don't what?  You can't even talk, you're so useless."

He felt tears threatening to form and he hurriedly blinked, hoping they hadn't seen.  The boy holding him up scoffed.  "You're so fucking weak." he spat, giving Armin a good punch to the jaw before he turned to go down the hall, his minion friends following at his heel like dogs.  He just lay still for awhile, trying not to let them get to him.  No matter how many times they punched him, called him names, insulted him, he never could get used to it.  And though he never admitted it, their words affected him.  Always.

Footsteps sounded from down the hall, but Armin didn't bother raising his head.  It was probably a teacher who would find him lying there and ask if he was alright.  "Armin," came a concerned voice.  He knew that voice.  Weakly raising his face, he saw Eren looking at him, his face distorted in worry.  "What did they do?" he asked softly, gingerly reaching his hand out to brush across his jaw and the bruise that had probably begun to form.  He sighed and pulled Armin to his feet.  "Come on, let me clean you up."

"Eren, you don't —"

"Armin," he said, giving him a painful look.  "Please.  Let me do this."

The blond grimaced and nodded slowly.  Eren wrapped an arm around his waist as he limped down the hallway towards the parking lot.  The brunet helped him into the passenger seat of his car before getting in himself.  He started driving and Armin assumed they were going to Eren's house again.  They usually did.  But Mikasa would be there and Armin wasn't looking forward to having to explain the situation to her.  She would worry too much and vow to beat up anyone who touched Armin again.  But that was the problem.  They always got him when he was alone.  When he was vulnerable.  Eren had promised he would do everything in his power to protect him, but it wasn't working.  After school, between classes, it didn't matter.  They always escaped Eren's vengeance.

It took a second for Armin to realize he wasn't pulling in to Eren's driveway.  He was in his driveway.  They never went to his house.  Only if Eren wanted to talk privately or if the beatings were really bad.  Armin's parents spent a lot of time at work, whether on business trips or in meetings, so he didn't see them much.  Today was no exception as they were in Chicago for the next few weeks.  Eren opened the door for him, gently taking his arm to help him out.  Though Armin felt incredibly weak for needing to be helped so much, he knew he couldn't do it on his own.  They walked up the steps to the porch and opened the door with Eren's extra key.  He placed Armin on the couch before hurrying to the bathroom for supplies.  He returned with a first aid kit and took a seat beside the blond.  "Off." he said gently, giving his shirt hem a light tug.  Armin bit his lip, but pulled off the piece of clothing, revealing a large bruise on his stomach.  He noticed Eren tense, his hands clenching tightly on his thighs.  He gently touched the mark and Armin winced a little.  Worried green eyes met his, his fingers pulling away hurriedly.  "Sorry," he muttered, grabbing an ice pack from his side.  He looked to Armin who gave a small nod before pressing the cold bag to his skin.  He jumped slightly at the chill, but easily shrugged it off.  Using his free hand, Eren gently took Armin's and brought it to the ice pack.  "Hold this here, okay?"

Armin nodded again, not really in the mood for talking.  Eren took a small cloth and raised it to Armin's face.  He moved his blond hair out of the way, gently dabbing his left temple where a streak of blood was.  Armin watched his face as he worked, but the boy's eyes were on what he was doing.  He looked upset.  Like someone had recently broken his heart.  "Eren," the name fell from his trembling lips before he could stop it.  Emerald met sapphire with that same look.  "Are you okay?"

Eren let out a painful chuckle.  "You've just been beat up and you're asking if I'm okay?"

"Just — are you?"

The brunet looked away, eyes flitting over anything but the boy in front of him.  "Does it matter?"

"Yes, Eren!  It does!" Armin said, not meaning to raise his voice however slight it might have been.  "I'm just peachy, how are you?" he asked sarcastically, tucking the blond's hair behind his ear to examine his jaw.  He exhaled quietly.  "Eren, what's wrong?"

"Really, Armin?  You don't know why I'm acting like such an asshole right now?"

"Well I —"

"Fine.  I'll tell you because you can't seem to figure it out.  Those dicks beat you up again and I wasn't there to protect you.  Happy now?"

"Quite frankly, no.  Why does it matter, it's happened before.  What makes this different?"

"It's  — I  just—"

"You what?"

Suddenly Eren grabbed Armin's shoulders.  "I'm in love with you, okay?!" he yelled.  The room fell silent.  The air shifted and tension settled in.  Eren hung his head.  "And I . . . seeing this happen to you . . . I can't stand it, Min . . . ."

He didn't know what to say.  Emerald eyes raised to meet his and what Armin saw there broke his heart.  There were tears threatening to spill.  "Eren . . ." he trailed off, watching the boy struggle to keep calm.  Armin hesitated before reaching out to cup his face, gently wiping away his tears.  "Don't worry, I'm fine.  It'll be alright."

"No!  You're not fine!  This isn't right, they shouldn't treat you that way!"

The blond gave a soft smile and pulled Eren into his arms.  The brunet sighed and relaxed, returning the embrace.  He chuckled.  "I should be the one comforting you right now."

Armin grinned and bit his lip.  "Me too." he mumbled.  Eren pulled away.  "What?"

He blushed, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.  "Wh-what you said earlier, I . . . I am too . . . ."

He hurriedly looked away, his heart pounding furiously in his chest.  Trembling fingers turned his chin and soft lips pressed against his own.  His eyes slipped closed, tentatively placing his hands on Eren's hips.  The kiss didn't last long, but it said so many unspoken things.  When they pulled away, their eyes locked, both seemingly surprised to some degree of what had just happened.  But then Armin grinned and Eren did as well.  The brunet leaned in and gave his lips another gentle peck.  "Now hang around me whenever you can, alright?  So I can beat those bullies' asses if they so much as look at you."

Armin giggled and brought their lips together for one last, lingering kiss before smiling at him.  "I will."

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