No Sudden Moves

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Eren swung easily between trees with his 3D Maneuvering Gear, his swords at his sides. Occasionally, he would pretend a limb or branch was a Titan and practice his slicing technique. There was really no reason for him to be training, but there wasn't a reason not to. If he practiced, he'd get better, and the better he was, the more titans he could kill. As Eren zoomed through the canopy he began to let his mind wander. He thought of Mikasa and how talented she was as a soldier. He thought of Jean's ugly horse-face and how he constantly felt the need to one-up him. But then his thoughts landed on someone else. Someone who had been there a lot recently. His heart began to beat faster as he thought of ocean blue eyes and soft blond hair. He felt his chest begin to tighten and his blush light his face on fire. It had been fairly obvious to him what this feeling was. He may not have been too smart about most of the world but when it came to feelings, Eren always knew what he was dealing with. He was good at reading people and especially good at reading himself. But this came as a bit of a shock. Of course there was nothing wrong with it, Eren just never expected it to be...him. He was amazing in every way and perfect and Eren was undoubtedly smitten. But the feelings he'd recognised for the past few months were new and, honestly, kind of terrifying. He'd never felt this strongly about anyone and especially not a guy. "Eren!" someone cried in distress and the boy looked up to see said object of his affections hurtling towards him at full speed. He tried to turn to avoid hitting the blond, but it was too late. Their wires got snagged and wrapped around each other, sending them flying towards one another in a tangle of metal. Eren somehow ended up having his face smashed into the boy's crotch. He heard the small squeak the blond let out. "E-Eren! I'm so s-sorry!"

"It's a-alright Armin."

Eren gulped, hoping his stutter hadn't been too obvious. His cheeks were on fire and he wasn't sure if he liked the position they were in or not. "Just—no sudden moves okay?"

"O-Okay." Armin said quietly. Eren tried to pull his arm out from behind his back, but his wrists were trapped in the wires. "Armin can you manage to get your hands loose?" he asked, raising his head a bit so his voice wasn't muffled. He felt the boy move and in a few seconds he began to say he had done it before the wires that had bound his hands loosened. Eren was sent swinging while Armin fell a few inches towards the ground before being caught by a different wire. Eren tried to flip himself around and had managed to mostly right himself before he was sent toppling towards Armin again. This time, they collided face-to-face, the extra wire that was attached to Eren whipping around them. Eren blushed as he stared into ocean blue eyes. Their noses were touching they were so close. And if he didn't know any better, he would've sworn he saw Armin blush too. Eren took a second to focus on his best friend. He could feel Armin's breath on his mouth and the mere thought sent his heart hammering again. He could practically taste Armin's lips and he nervously bit his own, hoping the temptation would go away. The blond let out a small sigh, his gaze seeming to fall to Eren's nose before catching himself and looking back up. Eren's heart leaped at that. "Um..."

"I . . ." the brunet said, hoping to fill in for him. But there were just no words to say. He was lost in Armin's eyes. The ones that were so full of life when he talked of the outside world, the ones that reminded him of the ocean. There was something about them that was just so Armin. It gave him hope when there was none. One look into those eyes and Eren felt like he could do anything.

And it was those eyes that had Eren leaning forward and pressing his lips against his friend's. Suddenly, reality rushed back to him and he pulled away hurriedly. He looked at Armin in fear, terrified of what he had just done. But he was incredibly relieved and ecstatic when the blond gave a small grin, his eyes half-lidded before connecting their lips again. Eren's heart swelled and he kissed him back, letting himself get lost in the feeling of Armin's mouth against his. When they finally pulled away, they stared at each other for awhile before the blond spoke up. "Sorry to ruin the moment, but we should probably get out of these." he said, twisting slightly in the tangle of wires. "Oh, right."

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