Truth or Dare

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It was raining and Armin was curled up on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and sipping a cup of coffee. Eren, his roommate and best friend, had gone out for an unknown reason and Armin was left alone to catch up on some homework that was due next week. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, continuing on typing up an essay for his english class. He was halfway through his third body paragraph when Eren burst through the door, a sly grin on his face. "What did you do?" Armin asked, more a statement than a question. "I went over to Jean and Marco's place to grab a few things, that alright?"

Eren chuckled, placing down his bags and shrugging off his coat while Armin sighed and rolled his eyes. "No, you've done something. You didn't steal another candy bar from Sasha, did you? You know she'll kill you if she finds out."

Eren laughed, sending Armin's heart aflutter. "No, no. But I did get this." he said, pulling out a large bottle of jack daniels from his bag. The blond tsked and tilted his head. "Eren, you know I don't drink."

"You do tonight."

Armin couldn't really argue. He had had a long week and needed a break from all the stress and work that came along with school. And besides, it was a Friday night; they had nowhere to be in the morning. He shut his laptop screen and put it to the side, making room for Eren on the couch. The boy grabbed two cups from the kitchen and took a seat beside him, placing the bottle on the coffee table. He poured them both a glass and handed one to Armin. The blond eyed the substance warily, glancing at Eren to see him down half of it. It smelled like alcohol usually did, so he took a hesitant sip. It was strong and he scrunched up his face, blushing embarrassedly when Eren chuckled.

After the first glass, it got much easier to drink. It didn't taste as bitter and he felt much more relaxed than he had before Eren arrived. They just talked about school, shared funny stories, anything really. But somehow the idea of truth or dare came up and Armin, under the drink's influence, had agreed. "Alright," Eren slurred, looking to the ceiling in thought for a second. The blond took another swig from his glass, feeling the liquid burn as it ran down his throat. "Min, truth or dare?"

"Mmmm," he said, thinking of his options. "Truth."

"Do you wear panties?"

He let out a laugh a bit louder than he had expected and shook his head. "No, Eren, I don't wear panties. Okay, truth or dare?"


"Umm . . ."

He tried to think of something that wouldn't be too gross or embarrassing, but still good enough to entertain him. "Uh, I dare you to . . . go next door and ask the neighbor for a cup of sugar."

Eren groaned and Armin giggled. It was a well-known fact that Eren was absolutely terrified of their next door neighbor. He always tried to shrug it off and pretend he just thought the guy was annoying, but Armin had seen him visibly flinch a few times around him. And the neighbor wasn't too keen about being around him either. "Really?"

He nodded. The brunet rolled his eyes. "Fine."

He dragged himself off the couch, slipping his shoes on. "I'll get you for this, Arlert."

Armin giggled, but felt a twist of uneasiness. Eren was drunk, so he wouldn't be thinking clearly and, quite frankly, that scared him. Judging by his first truth, he would come up with something strange or embarrassing. Maybe both. Eren returned a few minutes later, pouting and holding an empty mug, the sugar poured over his head. Armin laughed hysterically and the frown on his face deepened. "It isn't funny, Armin."

"Oh, but it is." he choked out, trying to settle himself. Giving one last giggle, he took another sip of whisky. Eren put the glass down, shaking the sugar out of his hair and returning to his place beside him. "Okay, you jerk, truth or dare?"

"Truth." he said, but he only remembered Eren's threat after the word had left his mouth. "Have you ever kissed a boy?"

His heart stopped. What was he getting at? He swallowed, his throat now dry despite the alcohol he just drank. His cheeks dusted pink, he bit his lip, noticing the seriousness in Eren's eyes before looking away. "No." he answered finally. "I-I've never kissed anyone . . ."

Eren's mouth fell open. "Really? How is that possible? You're the most amazing person I know!"

He blushed a dark shade of crimson, his heart speeding up dramatically. He cleared his throat nervously. "So, Eren, truth or dare?"

"Uh, truth."

"H-have you ever kissed a boy?"

He blushed lightly. "No, not yet."

Not yet?

"Truth or dare?"


"Do you like anyone?"

Armin couldn't take much more of this. It felt almost like an interrogation in a weird way. But that was probably because Armin had never been in this situation and he was heavily intoxicated and could easily say something he would regret. "Uh . . . y-yeah I do."

Eren didn't seem satisfied and he got the feeling that the next truth, should he choose it, would be who he liked and he was not ready for that. Confession had not been on his agenda today and probably never would be. "Eren, truth or dare?"


But unfortunately, alcohol was more prominent than fear of rejection and the words fell from Armin's mouth before he could stop them. "Kiss me."

Eren's face softened and he bit his lip and Armin thought he had ruined everything. But Eren leaned forward and pressed their lips together before the blond could apologize. It was relatively short, over far too soon for Armin's liking. Eren didn't back away, but kept his hand near Armin's thigh, now part of his personal space. They just stared at each other for a moment, but then gazes fell to lips and they were kissing again, longer this time. Armin placed his hands on Eren's shoulders and felt gentle fingers grip his thighs. Whenever a kiss ended, a new one began, each time learning how they best fit together.

Then Eren's tongue was in his mouth and he was letting out quiet moans as hands wandered and hips moved. And when it was over, there would be no way they wouldn't remember this in the morning.

Because Armin had never before slept naked in his best friend's arms.

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