The Daily Prophet

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Eren opens and closes his mouth as he stares at the newspaper in his hands. "Wh-what?" he finally manages to stutter and he hears Jean let out a sigh. "Rita Skeeter. World's nosiest reporter. Trust me, man, she could've done far worse."

"But, I — we ... ," he stammers before shoving the newspaper in Jean's face because he can't form a proper sentence. Hazel eyes glance over the print, over the moving picture Eren knows is on the front, before looking back up at his friend. "What?"

"It's — wrong — it's all wrong. Armin and I aren't ... ," he trails off, turning the paper back around to stare at the front page. Rita Skeeter had been strangely obsessed with Eren's every move since she arrived at Hogwarts and he had no idea why. It was unnerving to think that everything he did was being monitored and written down for the world to potentially see. But even though Eren had brought his complaint to the headmaster himself, he had just smiled and assured him that no damage would be done. 

So what was this? What was this picture of his best friend throwing his arms around his neck in a tight embrace, kissing him lightly on the cheek before quickly turning away? Their photograph counterparts look at each other and then towards him in surprise as the flash goes off and it continues in a perpetual, embarrassing cycle. Hug, kiss, picture. Over and over. Was this not damage?

"You know, it really isn't that bad," Jean speaks up and Eren gives him a glare. "What do you mean, isn't that bad — are you serious?"

"I mean at least she didn't catch you two banging in a classroom or something."

Eren feels his face flush and he's overwhelmed with anger. "Jean!" he cries indignantly, but the boy looks at him with a calm gaze. "I told you we aren't together!"

"Then I don't see the problem. If you aren't being outed by the Daily Prophet, then why are you getting so worked up about it?"

Eren glares at him silently, opening his mouth to say something before promptly shutting it. He feels embarrassed and angry, upset and exposed, and it just isn't fair. Rita Skeeter shouldn't be broadcasting his relationships like that. And what about Armin? What would happen to him? Eren's halfway across the Gryffindor common room before he realizes he's moving.

He's walking blind down the corridors, his feet carrying him down a familiar path all on their own. A cloud of rage and fear sinks over his eyes and it's all he can see, but then he's in the library and his gaze falls on someone that makes his vision clear. He's sitting calmly by the window in his usual spot, seemingly engrossed in a thick volume of charms or potions. 

Eren marches over to the table where he sits and plops haphazardly into the seat across from him, startling him from his reading. When ocean eyes meet his, Eren swears he sees him blush before he looks back at the parchment. "Hi, Eren," he says and his eyes are glued to the same spot in his book. "Armin, can I talk to you?" he finds himself asking and when his friend looks up, he looks almost nervous. "Um, sure," he mutters, closing the book and placing it off to the side as if expecting their conversation to take place in the library. Eren quickly rises from his chair and the blond glances up at him, tucking his hair behind his ear. Without a word, he stands and pushes in his chair. 

Eren isn't sure where they're going, but after a short walk, they're in a secluded corner and it's just them. Them and the elephant in the room. Eren turns to his best friend with butterflies in his stomach, and he takes a deep breath in a feeble attempt to settle their fluttering. "Have you seen it?"

He doesn't ask what it is. "Yeah," he says softly and Eren isn't exactly sure where to go from here. He isn't even sure why they're here right now. "Has anyone mentioned it?"

"No. But a few people sent me some weird looks, so I'm assuming they know."

Eren nods his head solemnly and suddenly an apology is spilling from his lips. "What are you apologizing for?"

"I don't know."

They stand in silence a moment before Armin chuckles. It lacks any mirth. "If anyone should be apologizing, it's me."

"Armin, you don't have to apologize. You didn't do anything."

"Well," he breathes, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "If I didn't ... kiss your cheek none of this would've happened."

Eren's heart stutters at the word kiss and he swallows. "Armin, you know what Rita Skeeter's like. Even if you didn't, she'd find some other way to spread rumors about us."

He's taking a step forward, just into Armin's personal space and his mind goes suddenly fuzzy. "We shouldn't have to change our lives because of her. If she wants to spread lies, that's her own problem, not ours. Let her say what she wants."

Eren thinks that this is a dramatic change of heart from just a few minutes ago, but then Armin looks up at him through his lashes and he can't think anymore. "But what if ... what if she's right?"

Images of Arlert and Jaeger: Are They Dating? and It appears the Ravenclaw at least has romantic feelings for his friend flash through his mind and his heart stops before restarting at a faster pace. "Armin ... ," he starts, but he can't quite finish, seeing ocean eyes glance nervously up at him before flicking to the ground. His brain short-circuits, his stomach somersaults, and everything is suddenly surreal, as if he's in a dream.

When their lips meet, Eren is a bit surprised at what he's done and abruptly fears that maybe he's read this wrong. But then Armin's lips move gently against his own and he relaxes, placing his hands tentatively on the blond's waist. He feels Armin's fingers curl gently into the front of his robes, pulling him closer so their chests touch. Eren's world is spinning and his grip on Armin's hips and the way one kiss is followed by another is his only tether to reality.

It's a millennia before they pull away and when they do, they stare at each other, seemingly in disbelief. Eren tries to think of something to say, but finds his vocabulary has disappeared and he isn't sure he actually knows how to speak a language anymore. But thankfully, Armin grins and giggles gently and says something for him. "I have a feeling we're gonna be on the front page of the Daily Prophet for awhile."

Eren chuckles under his breath as the first blur of words returns to his memory.  "I think we will."

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