Spin the Bottle

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Armin was a little drunk. Not enough to forget the entire night but he definitely was going to have a massive hangover the next morning. He was giggling and stumbling, but his mind was still slightly aware of his surroundings. If he was handed another drink he would politely decline or if someone came onto him, he would push them away instead of bringing them closer. But the alcohol that was circulating through his system was making him a little clingy and he wondered where Eren had run off to. He searched for the brunet on the dance floor, by the makeshift bar, anywhere he could think of that his friend might be.

Someone placed a hand on his shoulder and the blond jumped, spinning around to find the object of his search. "You should've seen your face." he giggled. "Sorry, Min."

"Eren!" Armin cried, throwing his arms around the boy. They had always done this, whether it be a greeting or as they talked, they always had some sort of contact no matter what they did. Some other people (cough cough Jean) thought it was 'weird' or 'gross' but to be completely honest, Armin liked being this close to his friend. "I missed you. Where've you been?" he asked, slurring slightly. "Oh, that reminds me! Come on,"

Eren took his hand and Armin could feel his face flush red. The only downside to having such a close relationship was that if, for some reason, you discovered you were completely in love with your best friend which, unfortunately, Armin had found out a long time ago. He always blushed despite himself whenever Eren would take his hand like this or place a comforting hand on his shoulder. He tried to hide his feelings, to push them down where no one could find them, but that didn't seem to be working so far.

Armin was snapped back to reality when Eren came to a stop, letting go of Armin's hand and sitting down in a circle of people. The blond's mind immediately went to cult, but he knew Eren wouldn't be a part of something like that.

Would he?

He shook his head, deciding the thought wasn't important at that moment and took a seat directly across from his best friend. He noticed which people were laughing louder than others and who was sitting lazily while others were completely normal. There were sober people in this group. That meant that whatever went down here, even if Armin managed to forget everything tomorrow, there would be a decent amount of people who would witness his probable embarrassment and never let him live it down. His brain became a bit more alert, but definitely not 100%. Someone — was it Thomas? — took out a beer bottle and placed it in the middle of the group. He gave it a twirl, the glass making scraping sounds against the wooden floor before coming to a stop, pointing towards a girl Armin didn't know. They scooted closer to each other, kissing briefly before pulling away hurriedly. Armin's mind raced to the edge of sobriety before halting just on the drunken side. They were playing spin the bottle. And that meant Armin might kiss one of his friends in this game. And those sober people from before would see the whole thing and force him to remember it for the rest of his life.

Armin cringed and laughed at the kisses as they varied from person to person. Jean's spin landed on Eren and that had been fun to watch. It was well known that they hated each other, and Eren made sure to give Jean's lip a harsh bite before he could pull away. The brunet gave it a twirl and ocean eyes widened when it landed on him. Eren had straddled him before he could realize what was happening and planted their lips together in a firm but gentle kiss. Armin immediately returned the gesture, his eyes slipping closed as his hand came up to tangle in Eren's hair. He could hear people whispering around them as they basically made out in front of everyone. "How long have they wanted to do that?" he heard someone ask. "God knows," came the reply. He felt Eren lift his arm and knew he had given them an incredibly rude hand gesture but found he couldn't bring himself to care.

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