I Love You

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(A/N:) little bit of season one spoilers

They were staring out at the city when it happened.  Armin had come up with his plan to seal the wall and Eren had trusted him blindly, seeming sure it would work.  If Armin came up with it, he'd do it.  But he could tell the blond was nervous.  And nerves wouldn't get him far in battle.  So Eren decided to say something.  Though he'd never admit it to himself, there were other reasons for wanting to comfort the blond.  But they had been recognized years ago and had been shoved down to the depths of his heart.  Because being in love was dangerous. 

Armin had turned, walking towards where he was supposed to be for the start of the mission, Eren having to go the other way.  He suddenly reached out and grabbed his shoulder, turning him around.  Their eyes locked.  "Armin," he began, unsure of how to start.  He hesitated a moment to put his words together, glancing anywhere but at Armin before looking up and meeting his eyes.  "Don't get yourself killed." he said, cursing himself for not being able to say what he wanted to.  But Armin recognized the hidden meaning behind his words and gave him a soft smile.  "You too." he said, knowing Eren had never really been good at saying 'I love you'.

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