New Year's Kiss

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Mikasa had passed out hours ago. She had had far too much to drink and had plopped down on the couch. Eren and Armin tried to move her, but she was too heavy and wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. So the boys were left in each other's company, red solo cups in their hands, the TV on NBC. As it got closer to midnight, Armin's mind started to wander. It was a tradition to kiss someone on New Year's wasn't it? He had never spent the holiday with anyone other than Eren and Mikasa, neither of whom had ever followed through with it. They would just cheer, give a toast, and laugh the night away. And Armin didn't mind that. Not one bit.

But recently, he had been thinking about what would happen if he were to kiss Eren. What his lips would feel like, how he would react. If he would shove him away or bring him even closer. These recent thoughts about his best friend had startled Armin at first, but when he came to terms with it, he supposed he'd always felt this way. Though never this strongly, he'd always been fond of Eren in a way that other people saw as 'love'. But he had always passed it off as friendship, wondering why everyone he knew thought he had a huge crush on the brunet. But they were all right. Armin was head over heels for him, but could never have him. Because they were best friends and Eren wasn't even into guys anyway. Armin didn't know if he could deal with rejection. So he always kept quiet.

Eren had drunk more than he usually did on New Year's, already on his umpteenth cup of beer and it was only eleven thirty. Armin had had a bit to drink as well, but not nearly enough to greatly affect him. Just enough to make him feel a little more relaxed, a little more daring, a little more emotional. It was making him think of things he shouldn't be thinking going into the new year. It was a time for new beginnings, not time to dwell on heartache at not being able to have your best friend the way you wanted. He should be happy, celebrating, laughing at something Eren told him. But he just sat silently, eyes glued to the TV. "Hey, Armin," Eren suddenly spoke up. "Mm?"

"Have you ever had a New Year's kiss?"

Armin met his eyes and blushed lightly, but shook his head. Eren muttered a quiet 'oh' before turning back to the television. It was almost midnight now. "Have you?" Armin found himself asking. "No."

Ten. Nine. Eight.

Armin could feel Eren's eyes on him, but he didn't look, feeling his face heating up under the boy's intense gaze.

Seven. Six.


The boy shivered slightly at the way his name rolled off Eren's tongue, but forced himself to face him. The brunet moved closer to him on the couch and Armin could hear his heart pounding in his ears.


He ran his fingers through the wave of Armin's hair, looking him in the eyes.


Armin licked his lips nervously and saw emerald eyes follow the motion.


His hand settled on the blond's cheek.


"Eren," he said softly, his own eyes falling to the boy's lips.


His eyes fluttered closed as Eren gently brought their lips together. Armin felt his heart swell and his stomach erupted in butterflies. He let out a soft whimper, pressing even closer, making the kiss more certain, letting Eren know this was far overdue. The brunet pulled away only to return with more passion and bravery. Their lips moulded together like two puzzle pieces that had finally found each other. It was over far too soon and Armin took a moment to register what just happened. Eren gave him a smile. "Happy New Year, Armin."

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