Too Hot

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How Armin had managed to get himself into this situation, he had no idea. He was just standing in the corner, minding his own business, trying too hard to blend in with the wall. And then Annie had grabbed his arm and dragged him through the massive crowd of overly — and illegally — drunk teenagers. "Eren," was all she had said and it was all she needed to say. Armin rolled his eyes, thinking that his best friend had somehow managed to do something stupid again or got Jean so riled up he got a punch to the face. He would just take care of him, like he always did, and try to ignore the fluttering in his heart whenever their fingers would brush.

But, to his surprise, that was not what happened at all. When he finally found Eren, he was sitting with a group of people in a near perfect circle — which was extremely impressive given that they were all probably intoxicated. Mikasa looked to be asleep on the couch near the window. Armin had no idea what was going on until Annie gave him a small shove and made her way to the circle, sitting down. "Alright, Eren, Armin's here, can we start the damn game now?"

Game. Armin didn't like games. Noticing the only spot available was across from Eren, he felt even more uneasy, having to take his place between two random people instead of beside his best friend. Ymir, Christa, Connie, Annie, Jean, Marco, and Sasha were the only people he knew in the group. Besides Eren of course. There were six others he didn't recognize.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" Marco asked, holding an empty coca-cola bottle in the air. Oh no. Armin glanced to his left to see a muscular, angry-looking blond and shrunk back a bit. To his right was a brunet who looked a tad nervous. He seemed closer to Armin's current situation. He leaned over and quietly asked, "Sorry, but what are we playing?"

The boy looked at him, blushing ever so slightly. "I think too hot."

Probably in response to Armin's confused look, he explained. "You spin the bottle and kiss whoever it lands on. The first person who touches the other loses. The winner dares them to do something when it's over."

"So you have to resist touching them whatsoever?"

He nodded. Armin sighed, unsure of how this would go.

Connie decided to go first and gave the bottle a fierce spin, causing it to whirl around in the center of the group for awhile before finally settling on Sasha. They blushed slightly, but leaned in to kiss. It wasn't long before Connie had grabbed hold of Sasha's face and he lost. She then dared him to strip to his underwear and run outside for five minutes, which he, begrudgingly, did. The game continued without him and it was Jean's turn. He spun the bottle and it eventually landed on Marco. This kiss lasted longer than the last and was more passionate. But Jean's hands made their way to Marco's back and he was told to confess his love to Mikasa — when she woke up that is. A black-haired, and extremely intimidating, boy had to kiss three people, winning every time and daring them to do stupid things like spilling drinks on people and seeing what would happen. Armin was scared of him. Christa landed on Eren and Armin had to look away as his heart twisted uncomfortably. Soon though, Ymir had grabbed her and pulled her away, shooting the boy a death glare.

And then it was Eren's turn and Armin watched as it spun and spun, eventually turning the last bit to point at . . . him. His entire face turned beet red as he locked eyes with Eren, biting his lip, his heartbeat speeding out of control. He was determined not to lose the game, as he didn't want to be dared to do something he didn't like, but wasn't sure if he could last that long. He scooted forwards, as did Eren, and he locked his hands firmly behind his back. When their lips first came into contact, Armin almost whimpered. Eren's lips were soft, though slightly chapped, and just incredibly perfect. Their mouths moved in sync, getting a feel for how each other moved. His breath came out in short pants, too distracted with kissing Eren to care that his lungs were burning. Eren kissed him harder, running his tongue gently over Armin's bottom lip. The blond gasped and he stuck his tongue in, wrapping it around Armin's own and exploring his mouth. Moans slipped from his lips and his hands twitched, feeling the need to pull Eren closer, to bring their bodies together. But he couldn't. When Eren groaned, Armin's heart almost stopped, and his already growing excitement had just gotten to another level.

And then he couldn't take it. He wrapped his arms tightly around the brunet's neck and kissed him with all the passion that had been bottled inside him for years. And Eren didn't seem to object, pulling him into his lap immediately. His hands settled on Armin's hips, fingertips slipping slightly under his shirt and making him shiver.

"Uh, guys," someone said and Armin broke away in embarrassment. He had completely forgot they were surrounded by a group of people. He caught his breath, skin flushed, trying to hide his problem downstairs. He shot a nervous look to Eren, who looked up from his crotch and smirked. "I won." he said. Armin bit his lip, his heart hammering in his chest. He leaned over and whispered in Armin's ear, "Let me have you."

The blond, despite his brain gone numb from what had just happened, somehow managed to put together a sentence and whispered back, "I'm all yours."

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