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(A/N:) possible spoilers if you just started watching the show/reading the manga. Season one spoilers

It was just like it always was. The sickening grin, the screams, the blood. Eren awoke in a sweat, feeling hot tears streaming down his face. This happened every night. The nightmares. Every time he closed his eyes to sleep, he watched his mother get killed over and over again. Devoured by that bloodthirsty titan. But tonight was especially vivid. And it left a horrible pain in the center of Eren's chest. These nightmares always left him with a feeling like he had lost her again. But she was gone. And there was nothing he could do to get her back.


The gentle voice was strange in the silence and made the boy jump a little, looking to where it had come from. He saw his best friend peering at him, worry in his ocean eyes. He was leaning over the edge of his bunk, his hair falling towards the floor like a blond halo around his face. Eren wiped at his eyes and turned away, trying to hide his tears from Armin. He heard shuffling and footsteps and Armin joined him in the dark, slipping under the covers of his bed. "Eren," he said again, reaching out and gently touching his arm. The brunet turned to face him. He must've looked like a mess, his hair mussed, tear stains down his cheeks, his eyes red and puffy. He noticed the small frown his friend wore and the complete and utter worry in his eyes and on his face and felt guilty. He never meant for Armin to look this way. He was supposed to be happy, full of wonder at the world around him, not here, staring into Eren's eyes, looking like his heart was breaking.

His hand trailed down Eren's arm, reaching his own. Armin interlaced their fingers, giving Eren's hand a gentle squeeze and a soft smile. "Nightmare?" he asked simply, like he already knew and needed verification. The boy stifled a sob in response and Armin pulled him closer, taking him into his arms. Eren pressed his face into the blond's chest, listening to his heartbeat — slow, steady. Armin kissed his forehead, his lips lingering for a few seconds. Eren gripped him tighter, feeling safe in the warmth of his embrace. And that's how they stayed, wrapped in each other's arms, until the sun came up to start a new day.

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