All good things come to an end.

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Freddy, the fun-loving, sporty guy.Drove his way to te Culinary Arts University in Florida.A big, special university for chefs like him.He parked his car and took a glance at his mirror.

"Lookin' good once again Fred, make good pizza.Girls dig that.But remember, Baby."He gave a crooked smile and walked out of the car.

He was a superstar in that school, famous for his own pizzeria of course.He got high-fives and 'what's up?' when he got in.

He's one of the lucky ones.


Bonnie walked with books on his arms as usual.He is still the braniac you know but he worked out.Like some of the others, but he wasn't to beefy.He was fit.
Which resulted him to become the university's hot shot.
Being the loyal guy he is, he never fell for the girls.He only kept his eyes on Chi-

"Hey Bonnie-Boo!Mind carrying my books with your super macho arms~?"

Bonnie looked at his side and sighed, Another girl.

But he was the helpful one, so he helped the flirt.

"Us too, Bonnie-Boo!"Screamed a group of girls.

All he could do was sigh.


Chica stepped in paradise smelling the fresh scent of wood and vanilla.
She grabbed the utensils and started doing her thing, baking.
She kept low, she isn't like the show-y snobs.She's just an independent and simple girl.She was happy with that, being a class favorite is great too.
Like Freddy, she is lucky.


"Hey!, What's up?, I'm doin' great!"Toy Freddy replied to the people around him.

Strutting at the university of South Carolina.He was a super-sports star, and claimed as the basketball professional.He did well too and majored.Having all this was fun but he did have a secret, he drinks.For a reason, but that remains hidden for a while.


Toy Bonnie brushed his teeth madly since he was late.

"Toy Bonnie!You are gonna be late!And paparazzi are outside which doubles your time in beung late!"His mom yelled who was currently on tour with him.

"Coming!"He yelled and spat out the bubbles in his mouth and rushed downstairs.

"Bye mom!"Toy Bonnie said and kissed his mom's cheek and rushed outside.
"Toy Bonnie!Over here!"The paparazzi yelled.
He scrambled to Bonnet's lambo and shut the door.
Bonnet drove off to The Music Academy in Canada.

Toy Bonnie being a popstar and Canada having a lot of ToyBunz(his fans)is difficult for him to handle.Especially when you arrive at the university with a lot of flirts.

Speak of the devil...



Toy Chica who was placing a big, sparkly pink bow on her hair, decided to remain in New York City to pursue her dream as a beauty guru/fashion designer.
In the university of NYC which includes modelling, fashion designing, and alot.
She's known as the campus crush and fashionista.
She's living on a high wire, except for the fact boys try to hit on her.


Marionette who just got in a fight a while ago, walked by himself in the hallways.There were rumors about him that he got in a gang, he drinks amd bad things.He was the bad boy, but it doesn't mean he does all that stuff.Girls tend to have a crush on him because of his looks which makes the boys jealous that the cool goth got the attention and results to fighting.

He looked at the environment, girls whispering and giggling and boys gritting their teeth.

He was a teacher's pet though, that's a good thing.So he smirked.


Circus Baby held on to the rope while looking down below.It was a 60 foot drop, no biggie for her.
She wanted to be a trapeze artist, so she took the opportunity and took classes.
She was a natural though, she never tried it before but on her first try, it madr her popular.Her first stunt amazed the crowd so she thought 'why not go for it?'

She jumped off the platform and swang with the rope, holding it really tight.She let go and did a few flips and landed on another platform.

The crowd in her class clapped and she walked off and high fived the next person in line.


Ballora danced along with the beat of the music at La Cambridge Dance School in Paris, France.
She wasn't the best dancer at the school but she still loved to dance, she thinks it isn't a competition but the school's favorite dancer thinks so, Clára, the best ballet dancer but let's talk about that later.
Ballora doesn't care of competition and stuff.What matters is her compassion for dance.

To finish her dance, she struck a pose with a hand on her hip, chin down, head to the side, closed eyes, right extended leg, and eyes closed.

People clapped at her performance with a smile on her face.


Bonnet tapped her pen repeatedly against the desk.
She had to write another song as a project to be passed at a Broadway show featuring the winner of the project.
She knew she had to get that part but she got nothing on her mind for now.She may not be an official singer but working with her twin, Toy Bonnie is a lot of work.
So much for fame...


Lastly, our favorite tomboy troublemaker, Funtime Foxy, was working at a Tattoo Coffee Shop.She didn't attend a college school like everyone else but she did make money by being a simple tattoo artist.

She way staying at the the other side of New York City, not so near, not so far.She was staying at the dangerous side of NYC.She can handle it though.

She's a tuff b****.


But there is one problem about this.

2 years and 4 months without each other?!
That is definitely insane.

One thing they all had in common:

They missed each other.

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