Fall Apart

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-Weeks later, Tuesday-

Ballora's POV

I actually made it, it was me against the school's dancer, Loni.

Today was the last round for the audition and the winner gets to dance with the ballet star.

But Loni really wanted the part so it would be kinda difficult for me to do it since she kept glaring at me and whispering bad things about me.

But I don't care, haters gotta hate.

I wore a blue and purple leotard and a royal blue ballet shoes, my hair in a high bun.

I sat on one of the chairs, flexing my legs and doing warm-ups.

"Ballora, I swear that part will be mine."Loni sneered.

I looked up and stood up facing her, but I was actually taller than her.

"Let's just hope you don't cheat to get that part."I said.

"Well, I won't cheat this time.But I'm pretty sure there is one way you would lose by me.But it wouln't be considered cheating though."She smirked.

"Try me, I'm passionate about dance.What else could distract me?"I scoffed.

"How about that fact your boyfriend isn't here?"

I froze,

"First, how do you know I have a boyfriend.Second, why would he make me fail?"I asked with a scoff.

"First, social media.duh.Second, I've seen him all the time when you audition or do dance show.He was there to support you but know he isn't."She smiled fakely and walked to the door, "I have to practice and get the part.Toodles!"

She slammed the door, leaving me stunned.

Someone suddenly knocked on my door making me jump, I opened the door to see Mrs.Penelope, "The final audition is starting my dear, better go."She said.

Damn, I was too lost on my train of thoughts that I didn't even realize.

"Oh, thank you Mrs.Penelope."I said and dashed out the room,

I headed backstage and took a peek on the stage and saw Loni dancing gracefully.Her boyfriend, smiling and quietly cheerubg for her.

I hate to admit but she is lucky to have someone special with her.

Loni made a few turns and air spilts, and ended it with a graceful bow.

The judges clapped and smiled, nodding in approval.

Loni smiled and walked to the side of the curtains, backstage, where I was.

"Next, Ballora!"

"Break a leg Ballora, Especially when your boyfriend isn't here to save you."She cackled like the witch she is and sashayhed.

I walked to the center and the music started to play,

I lifted both my arms, aligning it like a graceful swan.I lift my right arm and made a c-shaped form and stood one foot up and the other touching my knee.

I hopped to one place with one foot on the ground, and hopped to another place.

When a loud tune of the music started to get loud, I did a lot of turns without making my head feel dizzy.

A light, twinkling sound after, so I did a gentle tippy-toe walk with my eyes closed.
I lift my leg up high, touching the tip while ny head rested against it.

I settled it down and ran to the side, spinning and did a high air split, making my legs straight on each opposite side.

I took a glance and saw Loni and her boyfriend...kissing...


I was too busy thinking, I fell on the floor with a loud THUD!

I looked at the ground and panted, looking up at the judges and stood up.

Crap, I can hear Loni giggling,

"Ms.Ballora,"The headmaster cleared his throat.

"W-wait!"I stuttered."I-I'm sorry!I-I'll do it again!"I said.

Fortunately, He nodded.

"Do it again?SHE FELL!"Loni shrieked.

"I said she can start again!"He repeated.

I whispered a 'thank you' and the music played,

I lifted both my arms again, aligning it.I lift my right arm and made a c-shaped form and stood one foot up and the other touching my knee.

I hopped to one place with one foot on the ground, and hopped to another place-


Crud!No, I fell.

I stood up, dusting the dirt off the leotard.

"I-I'm sorry!It was-"

"Ballora, you fell two times!"He said.

I looked at Mrs.Penelope who gave me an apologetic look and looked at Mdm.Stevia Floris who also looked apologetic but kept a straight face.

I shook my head, threatening my tears NOT to fall.


"Loni will be dancing for the Dance of the sugar plum fairy."The headmaster announced.

I couldn't take it anymore.Standing here like a fool.I ran out the stage, passing by the judges and tears streamed down my face.

My best friend, who was watching me up ahead, stood up.


I cut her off and ran pass her going to my dorm room.


I looked the door and gasped for air,


I looked for my inhaler and inhaled some air.

I had this breathing problem, whenever I cry or lack some air I get trouble breathing.

I continued to cry because,

I lost my inspiration, I will never get the chance to dance with my idol, I made a fool out of myself.

This was my dream and I lost it because of being so...careless.

Tears cotinued to stream down, the hot, salty water pressing against my cheeks.

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