Sweet Arrival

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Chica's POV

I waited impatienly at the airport, waiting for Bonnie.

I bought him his favorite chocolate and a 'sexy' attire.

Which was blue jeans, a gray sweater, navy blue pumps and sunglasses.He finds that sexy.

I found him and his class looking around.
He was bringing a trolley and a backpack and wore shorts, red checkered polo and a red scarf with his cute smile on his face.
His body changed though, he became...muscular, but not the bulky muscular, the sexy muscular.

He looked to my direction amd his mouth was agape.

I smiled and waved 'hi' at him and he quickly ran to me and hugged me.Of course, I hugged back.

"I missed you so much..."He mumbled.

"Oh, I know."I giggled and gave him his chocolate.

"Hey, thanks."He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him.

I smirked and pulled his face to mine and we both kissed passionately.

We broke the kiss and smiled at each other.

"I've been waiting that for so long."

"So have I."I said.

"Now come on!I got our room ready!"I smiled and pulled him by his wrist.

"Woah woah woah.We already have our rooms."He said reffering to his friends behind him.

I chuckled and pulled him by his collar.

"And what if I wanted to break the rules?"I smirked.

"You win."He raised his hands.

I laughed and pulled his wrist and led him to my pastel blue car.

He sat in the front seat beside me and looked at the car.

"So you drive?"

"I took lessons and got my liscence."I said proudly.

"Nice.Oh, and you look...sexy by the way."He smirked.

"Just for you..."I smiled and started to drive to the university.

"Have you heard the news?"He asked.

"What news?"

"About Toy Bonnie?"

"Oh no, what did he do?"I groaned.

"He basically cheated on Toy Chica by singing a song for her originally made for TC and kissed the girl on stage at his concert last Tuesday."Bonnie said while my eyes were size of plates.

"HE DID WHAT!?"I shouted and looked at Bonnie and a car beeped.

"HEY!WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOIN'!"The man from truck I passed by yelled.

"Shick,"I muttered."He cheated on TC?Poor Toy Chi."I pouted.

"Yeah, I can't believe he would do that but he seemed happy."Bonnie said.

"If I see him I would SMACK the poop out of him."I said.

"That's what Funtime Foxy said that day.We had a video call at our group chat, me, Bonnet, Funtime Foxy, Freddy, Ballora, and Baby."

"Aw man.I was busy that day."I said.

"Well, you know.Welcome to the 'I wanna smack him club'."He muttered as I chuckled softly.

"I missed you."I smiled.

"I missed you as well."He says and placed my hand on his, gently kissing my hand.

"Soooo which subject are you gonna compete in?"He asked.

"Culinary Arts, Writing, and Science of course."I answered."You?"

"Math, Science, Language."He says.

I nodded, "I wonder how the gang is doing."

"Some are lucky and some aren't...like TC."Bonnie answered.

"I miss them, but at least I got you here with me."I smiled at him and parked on my usual parking spot.

"We're here."I said and wlaked out the car, getting Bonnie's backpack while he held on to his trolley.

"I'll drop these at my room first and I'll stop by to your room."He said.

"Deal.I got a surprise for you by the way.Room I-7, 2nd floor."I winked.

"Can't wait."He said and went in the university with his collegemates to sign in.

I walked to my dorm room and since the place was fixed.I prepared the surprise I would give for Bonnie.


That's him!

I opened the door and let him in,

"Remember how we would just cuddle, eat and play video games during our lazy days?"I asked.

"Uh-huh..."Bonnie nodded.

"Well, I figured we should do that starting now without any disturbances.Just the two of us."I smiled.

"I love you."He kissed me and tackled me to the bed.

I turned on my game station and grabbed Bonnie and I some video game controllers.I gave him one and cuddled with him on the bed while playing video games.


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