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Funtime Foxy's POV

"Alright, see ya soon!"I said to a dude who just had a piercing on his tongue.

I placed my head on the palm of my hand and waited for another customer to come.

Funtime Tattoo Cafe, this place is booming!A lot of people come and ask for tattoo's or piercing's.It's a cool place for dudes who're swag.

The little bell on the door made me sit up straight.

"Hey, welcome to Funtime Tattoo Cafe how may I-"I said but when I looked up
to take a glance at the customer...

"Yeah, hey.I just want a tattoo behind my ear.A heart tattoo.Colored as well."Sabrina said as she placed her hand bag on top of the counter.

"Sabrina?"I asked while blinking my eyes in disbelief.

"That's me.You're Funtime Foxy, I still remember you in our highschool days..."Sabrina said but looked away at the highschool days part.

"It's...good to see you."I said still shocked at the fact SHE WANTED A TATTOO!?

", I need that tattoo."She said.

"Okay, I'll manage ya.Funtime D, you take over the counter."I yelled.

We entered in a room with a chair and a lamp beside the chair.Beside were a lot of tattoo materials and piercing needs.

"Just sit on the chair."I instruced.

"K,"She said and sat on the rusty chair.

How on earth did she sit on a RUSTY chair!?

I moved her hair aside and touched the place she wanted to add the tattoo.

"This part?"


I did the procedures on doing the tattoo.

I dabbed a cotton and alchohol on the area and gently patted it on her skin.

" are you?"I asked.



"Got in any relationship?"She asked.

"Nope.Still the single fox.How about you?"I answered.

"Yeah I am in a relationship actually.With Ashley...remember her?"Sabrina said.


"Y-you're gay?"I stuttered.

"I'm Bi...surprising isn't it?"She laughed lightly."But I'm 60% into boys and 40% into girls."

I nodded and smiled,
"Well, I'm happy for you both."

"Thanks."She gave me a weak smile.

"Feel any pain?"I asked while injecting the color.

"Nah...Got used to it.I got a tattoo on my hip and thigh."She shrugged.

I nodded.

We talked and talked to catch up while I did her tattoo.
She actually changed...

After her tattoo, we walked to the counter so she can pay the price.

She fished out her cash and gave the money to me.

"Keep the change."She said."Oh,'s the gang?"She asked and I sensed her snobby attitude coming out.

"They're fine I guess."

"Oh okay..."She nodded.

I collected the money and looked at her.

"See ya,"I said.

"See ya!"She waved back and walked outside.

That was weird...

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