Our little secret

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"Funtime Foxy, you goof!"Sabrina laughed as she chased Funtime Foxy at the sandy beach.The same beach where Foxy and Mangle had their first date.

"You can't catch meeeee!!!"Funtime Foxy taunted.

Sabrina rolled her eyes and quickened her pace.They were by the shore, Sabrina splashed beach water on Funtime Foxy.

"Agh!"She groaned.

"That's what you get for leaving me back there!"Sabrina giggled childishly and sat on the sand.

"Whatever, you totally deserved it!"Funtime Foxy laughed and sat beside her.

"Dork."Sabrina stuck her tongue out.

Funtime Foxy splashed water on her.

"Hey!"Sabrina gasped and laughed.

Funtime Foxy chuckled and stared at the sea.

"Y'know, you're a pretty cool person.I like you,"Funtime Foxy grins.

"Thanks, I like you too."Sabrina smiled and looked at Funtime Foxy,

"Thanks Funtime..."

Funtime Foxy stared at her, "For what?"

"For giving me real friends, for making me happy, for understanding and for being my real best friend."Sabrina smiled.

Normally, Funtime Foxy would say, 'Stop being cheesy', but instead, she knew Sabrina meant this.

She flashed a smile and nodded, "You're welcome..."

Sabrina smiled and looked at the sand and sighed, "My dad used to bring me to a special beach when I was still young."Sabrina started and fiddled with her hair.

"And...we would swim and talk and eat.Then when my brother was born, we brought him at that beach too.Making memories.My mom, Becky, didn't really care about us.She was...honestly a golddigger as you have observed..."Sabrina glanced at Funtime Foxy who snorted at the mention of her mom.

"When I turned 14 or 15?My mom and dad had a huge fight.So my dad left us and went to Australia to start a new life..."Sabrina said and touched a bracelete on her leg, it had a black string and a red feather dangling.She pointed at it,

"My father gave me this.This was the last gift he gave me before going to Australia.My mother, playing around with rich men.My brother was still young to understand so I protected him."Sabrina suddenly took a deep breath.

"A-and then, I realized that it was so unfair.Other girls got perfect lives, perfect family, perfect perfect.I wanted to have that...
And then I saw Mangle, the popular, perfect girl walking at the hallways.I didn't know her story...but I assumed it was perfect.So...she was my first and main target."Sabrina choked out and sighed.

"I stupidly tortured you guys, almost killed you all, spat bad stuff and lies.I'm sorry."Sabrina cried and tears streamed down.

Funtime Foxy looked at her sympathitically and placed her hand over Sabrina's.

"It's okay Sabs, we already forgave you..."She tried to sooth her.

"After some thinking, I realized that...I was a major b****."Sabrina sighed and cried.

Funtime Foxy wiped Sabrina's tears and tilted Sabrina's chin.Now, they were looking into each other's eyes.

"I'm here, I'm here..."Funtime Foxy hugged Sabrina.

"Funtime Foxy...can I try something?"Sabrina asked nervously.

"Well, yeah, what is it?"Funtime Foxy raised a brow.

Sabrina pulled Funtime Foxy by the neck and kissed her.

Sabrina kissed her and Funtime Foxy kissed back.

They remained like that for 2 minutes and pulled away.

"Sabrina, what was that?"Funtime Foxy asked.

"A thank you."Sabrina whispered.

"But you have a girlfriend..."Funtime Foxy whispered back.

Sabrina pondered for a while, "Then this would be our little secret."

Funtime Foxy was about to protest and then she thought of her story.

So she smirked and locked their fingers together.

"I'd like that."

Sabrina giggled and stripped off her shirt and shoes, leaving her with her shorts and bra.

"What are you doing?"Funtime Foxy asked.

"I'm going for a swim, want to come?"Sabrina asked.

"Duh!"Funtime Foxy cracked a smile and removed her jeans and shoes, leaving her in her black shirt and underwear.

They both dived in the cold water and splashed each other with water and sand.

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