Prince of Pop

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Toy Bonnie's POV

I, the second prince of pop, stupidly humiliated myself in front of my fans and classmates.

"Again, who was famously known as the prince of pop?"Ms.Roda asked.

"Toy Bonnie?"I asked again.Referring to myself, I am the second prince of pop after all after Shawn Mendes.

The class erupted with laughter again which made me smirk at my humor.Sometimes, you gotta enjoy humiliation.

"Toy Bonnie, you are a singer.You are supposed to know this.This is basic after all."

"Michael Jackson."

I turned to my side to see my partner, Angel.

"Michael Jackson is the answer."She whispered again.

I nodded and faced at Ms.Roda."Michael Jackson?"

Ms.Roda looked at me and nodded, pressing her remote and the screen displayed a picture of him.

"That is correct.You may sit down."

I sat down and faced Angel, "Hey, thanks."

"No probs!"Angel smiled at me and listened back to our teacher.

I smiled and observed her,

That tan skin of hers, her blonde-red hair, her brown eyes.

She's pretty...

My heart skipped a beat everytime I looked at her.

Oh no...

I think I like her.


-Time Skip-

The bell rang and everyone stood up and walked to the cafeteria excitedly.

Angel gathered her things and walked away.

"Hey Angel!"I yelled.

She looked over her shoulder to see me and flashed a smile.

"Hey Toy Bon!"She said.

"Where are ya heading?"I asked.

"The cafeteria!"She answered.

"Mind if I tag along?"


I beamed a smile and walked together to the cafeteria.

We had our food and sat on the table near the window and talked funny things.

She was pretty, sweet, and funny.She's entertaining.

"So, do you have a girlfriend?"She asked.

I gulped and thought about Toy Chica.We haven't broken up yet but I replied,


"Oh!Okay, I just thought you dated a girl named...Toy Chica?Right?"Angel said.

"Oh, Hollyscoop.Yeah, She's my...ex.I guess."I shrugged and checked my phone.

"So what's it like to be famous?"She asked and placed her head on her palm.

"It's fun.The media is all on you, the attention is on you, you got fans to encourage you, you get to be thei role model."I said.

"Okay..."She said.

We continued talking and all but I my mind can't stop thinking about Toy Chica.
Did I do the right thing?
Deny that she's my girlfriend?

No, I did the wrong thing.

But Angel makes me crazy as well.

Damn this, I'm f***ing confused.

"Toy Bon, mind if I get an autograph from you?"She asked and handed out a paper and pen.

I smiled, "Sure."

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