Sorry (Reunion Part 2)

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Toy Chica's POV

"Toy Chi."

Great, the last guy I wanted to see.

"What is it?"I asked, almost growling.

I didn't want to lose my temper.Not now.

"Look, I'm sorry.I know what I did was wrong, but...I couldn't stay in a relationship if I don't like you anymore.Our relationship would be a lie then."Toy Bon explained and sat beside me at the bench under the tree.

He was right though, our relationship would be a lie.But I was still mad at the fact he cheated on me.Smooching another girl's face.Mwah, mwah, mw-

"Toy Chica?"

"Huh?"I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Look, I'm sorry.I really am.Can we just forget what happened and be friends?"He asked and looked at me in the eye.

He did sound sincere.But that doesn't satisfy me yet.
I just remained silent and looked at my lap,

"*strum, strum, strum*...."

I looked up at him to see Toy Bon holding an acoustic guitar and strumming some chords.

"You gotta go and get angry at all of my honesty..."He sang.

"Toy Bon-"

"You know I try but I don't do too well with apologies."


"I hope I don't run out of time.Could someone call a referee?Cause I just need one more shot at forgiveness."He sang and looked up at me.

"Yeah, is it too late now to say sorry?Cause I'm missing more than jut of your bod-"

I glared at him before he could finish that sentence.He gulped and continued to strum.

"Is it too late now to say sorry?Yeah, I know-oh-oh, that I let you down.Is it too late to say I'm sorry, now?I'm sorry, yeah.Sorry yeah, Sorry."He sang.

"Yeah, I also know that I pushed you down.Is it too late to say I'm sorry too?"I continued to sing and gave him a small smile.

Silence fell for a short second and we hugged each other.

• • •

"Aww...look at them!They made up!"Bonnet smiled while looking at the two outside.

"They're smiling!"Mangle swooned.

"Funtime Foxy!You have to be the next diva matchmaker!"Chica exclaimed at Funtime Foxy.

"Hoho, no!I have other things to take care of."She chuckled.

"What are the 'other things' exactly?"Freddy asked.

"My life."

"Oh!Look, she's laughing!"Toy Freddy grinned.

"You don't have to say everything they do you know?Oh, look they're coming back!Everyone sit back!"Foxy exclaimed and scrambled to his seat.

"Pfft, speak for yourself."Marionette shook his head and sat back down.

The two came back with big grins on their faces.

"So?Did you two finally make up?"Funtime Foxy asked.

"Uh, yeah.I thought you guys knew."Toy Chica said.

"Yeah.We saw you looking at us by the window.Can't fool us now."Toy Bonnie chuckled.

"Are we that obvious?"Bonnie asked.

"It's predictable."Toy Chica shrugged with a giggle.

"True."Freddy nodded and they laughed.

Unaware to the gang, people were actually taking pictures.Especially the paparazzi.

But one thing they cared about was the fact that they were reunited again.

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