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Marionette's POV

"Alright babe, it's getting late.I gotta go, okay bye.Love you."I smiled and blew a kiss at my phone to Ballora.

My smile soon faded when I grabbed my hoodie and walked outside.

Bruellyn lane, one of the most dangerous streets in town.Criminals usually plot here, stalk someone and attack.

Unfortunately, I knew one of them.Flick, one of my classmate's.Who horribly hates my guts.

I am unfortunately their target.Yep, bullying didn't stop.But I could handle.

But I know that I am in trouble right now.
Today, he told me to meet him at the 4th alley of Bruellyn lane to...discuss an important issue or there are consequences.And I know, that his consequences are BIG.

Ballora once told me about him as a horrible boyfriend, which makes my blood boil upon hearing it because no one treats my girl like that.want to know why?

He almost raped Ballora but got the chance to murder her closest cousin.

I arrived at the alley and pulled out my phone and turned the flashlight on since it was pretty dark.

"Hello?"I called out.

"Mario, glad you're here,"Flick said, leaning at the corner and pulled out the cigarette he had im his mouth.

"You called, I am here."I said and stepped closer to him."What do you want?"

"I just wanted to discuss an...issue like I said earlier."He said.

"What issue?"I asked while raising a brow.

"I want to make a deal with you, join my gang."He said.

"No."I said and turned around.
This is so pointless.

"Consequences Mario!"He yelled.

I sighed and looked at him again.

"Why?"I asked.

"I just needed a cooperative guy who can help in stealing.You got quick reflexes right?And silent as the night."He smirked stepping towards me.

"No, I am not doing any of that."I shook my head.

"Y'know, Ballora can get involve to this..."

My eyes widened, "Don't even-"

"Shut up Mario.If you don't accept this offer, well, she with her cousin by tomorrow."

I glared at him and growled, "You don't even know where she is."

"Oh, I know.I checked her social media and know where she stays, where she attended college.I have friends all over the globe."He chuckled.

I am trapped.

"Do we have a deal?"He asked.

"I'll join your gang then.But don't even try to lay a finger on her or anyone I know."I glared.

"Relax Mario, I won't hurt 'em."He said and walked past me.

"And...meeting's tomorrow.Under the bridge.Wear dark."

I turned around to see him gone.

I sighed and rubbed my temples.


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