First Show

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Circus Baby's POV

"I'm here!"I said to the people in the tent.

"CB!Glad you made it to your first show!After this, we'll host a party!"Mr.Barner greeted.

"That's really nice of ya, I'll get prepared."I smiled and rushed to the cabin.

I opened the door to see Lea in a white, angelic leotards with silver sparkles around.Her black hair placed in a white and black striped wig, and her gorgeous black skin designed with shimmery make-up.

"Lea, lookin' good."I smiled.

"Thank CB,"She smiled and my make-up artist started doing make-up on my face.

After the make-up, I put on my 'fire' leotards which was red on top, orange in the middle, and a yellow tutu with a shimmer.

They didn't put a wig but they tied my hair up in a curly bun.

"15 minutes practice!"The assistant shouted outside the cabin.

"Let's go."Lea smiled and linked arms with me.

We headed to the tent and saw everyone in unique and shimmery costumes, what shocked me is the fact that there was a tiger, elephant, and a bear.

The bear reminded me of Freddy though when we were chased by one at the camp.

I was too afraid to go near them so I scooted faw away from them...

Y' case...

"Lookin' good ladies,"Finn, the assistant said.

"Thanks."We said together.

"Alright, rehearsals!Get in your places!"Mr.Barner yelled.

-Time Skip-

A sea of people flooded the tents with excited, happy children waiting for the show to begin.

I was nervous yet excited that this will be my very first show!

They dimmed the lights and bright spotlights flashed around.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen!Boys and girls!Welcome to S.L. Circus, Tonight, various acts would be performed, to singing cats to trapeze shows!Sit back, relax, and enjoy...the greatest show."Mr.Barner smiled warmly and turned around, his red, flashy coat following him and the song 'Greatest Show' started to play.

I climbed up the ladder and faced Roberto, A latin partner of mine, who beamed at me.

We started swinging across each other, jumping and exchanging ropes and placed.Doing backflip, get the idea.

I released my hand from the bars and fell, getting caught by some males and settled me down.
I ran up in front with Mr.Barner, Finn, and Lea with some other people and formed a line, and bowed to the crowd together.
Confetti's flew and the crowd cheered.

I breathed heavily but managaed to put a satisfied smile on my face.

Lea looked and me and smiled proudly and Mr.Barner gripped my hand tightly and gave an approving nod.


"Cheers!"We all yelled and clinked our glasses.

We sat back and took a sip of our wines, I took a cranberry and kiwi wine and it tasted delicious!

"Congrats CB!You were amazeballs there!"Lea said.

"Thanks Lea!"I beamed.

"That was awesome!You are a natural!"Mr.Barner complimented.

"Definetely!"Finn nodded.

"So, do you want to stay in the circus forever?"Mr.Barner asked and sipped his wine.

"Of course!"I smiled.

"That's great, it's cool to have a bestie hanging around."Lea smiled.

"After I finish college, which is a month away, I'd be able to stay here and work with you all!"I said.

"Great!I'm going to your graduation!Because I never went to college."Lea chuckled, "And I want to see what it looks like."

"Alright,"I shrugged.

"Anyway, congrats everyone.Another succesful show!"Mr.Barner says and we all clapped our hands.

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