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Marinette threw up in the bathroom as Tikki got her a towel to wipe her mouth. "Thanks, Tikki", Marinette wiped her mouth as tears fell down her cheek. "Oh, Marinette don't cry" Tikki wiped Marinette's tears away.

Marinette got up and looked at the pregnancy test that sat on the counter she took earlier, positive. Marinette picked it up and threw it into the trash bin. Tikki sighed and floated next to her stressed owner, "Are you gonna tell...cat noir about it?" Marinette sat on her couch, "why? If I told him,he'd probably just leave me with our child", Marinette frowned.

Tikki shook her head, "he wouldn't ever do such a thing like that! Besides, he's the father Mari...you have to tell him." Marinette slouched her shoulders, her voice breaking, "I just can't..."

A knock was then heard against Marinette's balcony's door. "It's him...I can't let him in", "Marinette,please, this is your baby we're talking about!" Cat noir kept knocking on the door every 3 seconds,but no one answered.

"Princess? Are you in there?!" Cat noir then started to knock harder. "Marinette!! You can't ignore him forever", Yelled the angry kwami.

Marinette put her hand on her stomach, "Leave me alone Chat!! I don't want your company!" The knocks then stopped, "princess what happened? Please let me in.." Marinette opened the balcony's door.

"There!! Are you happpy!! Now go and never come back!!" Cat noir's eyes opened wide, he never saw Marinette this angry. "Why are you so mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Is it because what we did the other night because I-" Marinette shook her head and whimpered.

Cat noir hugged her,but she pulled back. "No! Just don't touch me anymore, go home chat...it's for the best." Cat noir grabbed her left wrist, "why can't you tell me what's wrong?"

Marinette let go of his grip, "you wouldn't understand!!" She slammed the balcony's door shut, Cat noir leaned against the door,tears rolled down his check. Marinette suddenly had an urge to throw up again and quickly ran to the bathroom.

"Tikki...I can't do this anymore...I have to leave Paris", her voice cracked between each word.

368 words! I'm just gonna stop here hehe. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this story since this is just the beginning. Sorry that it's short,I'm just really lazy.

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