~Back Home~

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Marinette called Alya the next day and told her the news,that she was going back to Paris with Hugo,she talked to Alya about finding a new apartment,so Alya let her live with her for while. Marinette packed her bags and held Hugo in her arms, "Are you ready to see you grandma and grandpa Hugo?"

The baby chewed on it'd fingers and then laughed,leaving a trail of saliva drooling down his chin. Marinette shook her head and smiled,wiping his mouth with a napkin.

She picked up her bags and left the apartment with Hugo in her arms. (She got onto the plane with Hugo, 8 hours long you know the drill, sorry I'm just lazy to write the whole thing.)

Marinette got off the plane with Hugo in her arms, "MARINETTE!!" Marinette turned around to the voice and saw Alya running towards her and hugged her, "I missed you!!" Marinette giggled, "I missed you too Alya", she hugged her back.

Marinette saw her parents as they ran towards her crying, "oh! My little cupcake! How much we missed you!" Tom hugged Marinette sobbing, "uh,papa maybe now is not the right place for this", Marinette said rolling her eyes.

Sabine gapsed, "is that Hugo! Oh he's soo adorable!!" Sabine took the baby from Marinette's arms and kissed his forehead repeatedly, Alya then took the baby from Sabine's arms, "oh!! He's soo cute! I just want to squish his little cheeks forever and ever!"

Hugo giggled as Alya tickled his stomach, Marinette took the baby from Alya, "Well We should probably get back now, Alya." Sabine nodded and they headed towards their car as Alya kept cooing the baby.

Once they arrived home, Alya took Hugo from Marinette's arms and hugged him, "who loves you the most? Auntie Alya! Auntie Alya loves you the most!!" "Alya! Give me back Hugo, I have to breast feed him!" Alya rolled her eyes, "fine!" Marinette got a blanket and covered her breast as she feed Hugo.

Marinette sat down on the couch, Sabine sat next to her and smiled. "I remember when you were a baby, you were always so demanding", she giggled. Marinette sighed, " well Hugo is more calm and cheeky, he gets it mostly from his father." Sabine raised an eyebrow, "is that so?" Marinette nodded and laughed.

After a while, Marinette took the blanket off of Hugo and put him in a baby chair, he quickly feel asleep. "Awww,he's so cute! Can I please hold him", begged Alya.

Marinette shook her head, "Alya, at least let the baby sleep first,then you can hold him." Alya pouted, "fiiiine."

Tikki floated next to Marinette, "You still aren't planning to tell cat noir are you?" Marinette was shocked, "Tikki?" Tikki Smiled, "remember, Alya is Alybug." Marinette nodded in remembrance.

"Not yet..(Tikki frowned at Marinette)...Maybe soon...(Tikki crosses her arms)..sooner?" Tikki sighed, "Marinette, come on! You can't keep hiding from him, do you have any idea how much he's going through!?"

Marinette jumped a bit, "what are you talking about?" Tikki avoided eye-contact with Marinette, "Since the day you left, he would always sit on your Apartment's old balcony and cry to himself, he misses you Marinette, he loves you, he's worried about you, please just tell him."

"But...will he still love me even when I lied to him months about our child?" Tikki shrugged, Marinette bit her lip, "I don't know Tikki, I don't know what to do-" Sabine put her hand on Marinette's shoulder, "is everything alright dear?", Tikki quickly zoomed back into Alya's pocket before Sabine saw her.

"Yea, I'm fine, I think I'll just go out for a walk, take care of Hugo for me and make sure Alya doesn't disturb him." Alya then popped into their conversation, "can we pls bring Hugo!! He's waking up anyways."

Marinette heard Hugo crying and she went over to him and picked him up, "shh,Hugo,shh, it's ok mama is here." The baby stopped crying when Marinette gave him a little cat plushie to play with.

Hugo hugged the plushie and chewed on it. Alya got the stroller, "well, what are you waiting for? Are we going or not?" Marinette nodded and put Hugo into the stroller with his plushie. They both left the bakery and headed to the park.

Alya pushed the stroller since she kept begging Marinette so she allowed her too. Alya pointes a a bench,"Oh,remember when we took our class photo here because juleka was left out!", "oh, yeaaa I remember that! I felt bad so I asked the photographer to re-do the class pictures!"

Alya elbowed Marinette, "of course you did, your heart is literally made of gold." Marinette giggled, "yea,whatever."

799 words, I'll stop here because I don't want you to have to read all of these, Till next time 😊👋

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