~Forever not ever~

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Authors note: I'm sorry this is short, but please replay the music 🥰 LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!! Sorryyyyyyyyyy😣😭
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Cat noir looked up, Marinette's eyes filled with tears. "Mari, no, don't cry, I...", he reached his hand out to touch her, but she flinched away.

"Don't-touch-me Chat", Marinette held Hugo closer to her body, as if Cat noir was a threat to them. "Mari, please don't get mad. I didn't want this to-", the bluenette's face turned bright red.

"Why!? Why did it have to be her out of all people? I mean what were you thinking? If you saw her, you should've left right away. You can't trust Lila. You should perfectly remember she's the queen of lies, she's worse than Hawkmoth even."

Cat noir put his hands on her shoulders, "calm down, I know. I'm telling you this now because I don't want to hide this from you, I know Lila is a bad person, and as much as I want to- ". (Marinette pushed him away).

"I don't wanna hear it. You have a family here, and you just find it ok to 'talk' to some brat you know is untrustworthy! Your excuses aren't gonna work for me, you stupid cat! Your the reason why I'm here anyways!"

While this was happening, Tom,Sabine, and Alya leaned their head against the door, eavesdropping on every word from the argument Chat and Marinette were having.

"Marinette I'm trying to be honest, I want this to work! Please, don't look at the bad side of this." Mari turned away from him, she started to tear up, it was like there was a dam, that had a crack in it, and that crack increases everywhere causing all the tears she tried holding back, to burst out.

Loud sobs were heard from the room, "that's it, I'm going in", Sabine clenched her hands into fists. Tom put his arm out in front of his wife, stopping her. "Sabine we have to let them work this out, we can't intervene on their fight, it'll just make this worse for them and their relationship."

Sabine pouted, "fine, but only for Marinette."

The black cat cupped her face in his hands, "I told you the truth, because I knew lying to you was wrong....I don't want to be like lila...cause I love you...and only you princess."

He leaned his forehead against hers, the bluenette whispered back, "I (sniff) I love you too."

"Don't think I'll ever replace something as valuable as you, you and Hugo is all I have and need." The bluenette smiled and kissed him.

The black cat was a bit shocked at first, but kissed back, they later teared apart for air. Chat lifted the baby from his mother's arms and smiled.

"Now, I have two valuables in my life."

"And they are all I ever could've asked for."

Cat noir kissed Hugo's and Marinette's foreheads. "Chat, I'm sorry for...what I said."
The black cat smiled, "it's ok, I know this is a lot to take in and I can't blame you. Please forgive me."

"Of course I do."

"How can I not forgive my knight?"

The black cat leaned in for a hug, Mari hugged back too.

"You will always be my princess.
No matter what."

"I love you."

"I love you too chaton."

A few days later, Cat noir revealed his identity to Marinette, he proposed to her, of course she accepted. They both got Married and bought a house. Few years later, Marinette and Adrien had three children, Hugo, Emma, and Louis. They both lived happily together, as heroes...and as lovers.

Marinette and Adrien sat in bed, Hugo sat with them, Emma played with her dolls, and Louis was a newborn, so he slept in his crib. "Momma, papa?", asked Hugo looking at them. "Yes Hugo", Smiled Marinette. "How did you and papa meet?" The couple looked at each other, and giggled, Marinette leaned against Adrien's shoulder and smirked at him.

"Well Hugo, it all started when a black cat
came along...and stole your mother's heart."

The End.

712 words, I'm sorry this chapter was short and the ending was lazy. ☹️ I suck, but at least I finished it for y'all. Till next time...I almost kinda cried 😭

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