~Blanc to Noir~

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"Do I even value you chat?"

The white cat lifted her chin to look at him. "Only two things matter to me. You and our son." Marinette smiled a bit, but it quickly then disappeared. "But, I want the old chat back."

He frowned, "That's too bad, I like the new me." Marinette stepped back, "don't you care about our child and me? Chat, please come back, I miss the old you. Do this for our family."

Cat blanc stepped back, now he was leaning against the balcony's railing.

"If you can't accept the new me, then you don't deserve him or me." Marinette walked towards him again, "don't you love me at all?"

Chat put his right hand on her cheek, "I do, but it's difficult princess." The bluenette put her hand on his, she frowned.  "Your right."

His ring is right there, if I get it then maybe I                could try to get the akuma out.

Marinette intertwined her hand with chat's. She gave him a fake smile before quickly pulling the ring off his finger.

Marinette ran back to the room and put her earrings back on, "Tikki, spots on!" Chat hissed, "you lied to me! I can't believe I fell for your stupid games again!"

Ladybug clenched the ring in her hands, "I'm sorry Chat, but I can't let you stay this way."

The white cat didn't de-transform, since the akuma was still in his ring. "Take my ring, but your not getting Hugo back." Ladybug glared at him, "you wouldn't dare."

Chat smirked and extended his baton, "watch me." Ladybug swung her yo-yo at him, but he dodged it and got away. "No! Chat!", she went after him.

Ladybug couldn't catch up with him anymore, he was going to fast and to think this all started because she couldn't tell him two words? I'm pregnant that's all, not too hard, but no. She had to be a coward and just hide it, now look where it got her.

All of a sudden her breathing started to slow down, and her arms were getting weak from swinging her yo-yo, her vision was getting blurry, all she could hear were muffled cheers from the Parisians and her heart rabidly beating.

She couldn't keep going, yet she continued. It seemed foolish for her to keep chasing him, knowing she'll never catch up to him.

She kept going, cause a cat stole their child, stole her heart, stole her trust, now she wanted to retrieve it.

Every second felt like a minute, every minute felt like an hour, she couldn't hold herself anymore. She still had his ring, but how was she supposed to get the akuma out if it's indestructible?

Her earrings started beeping, she was gonna de-transform soon, but she still continued. She couldn't bare the thought of losing her child and chat.  Why is she so desperate?

    Chat...Hugo...I can't see them anymore?

A pink flash then surrounded Ladybug, Chat noticed the flash and turned around. Marinette weakly fell to the ground, her eyes rolled back. She couldn't keep up anymore...Tikki noticed this and nudged her a bit.

"Marinette?", the kwami got no response.

An akuma flew out from chat's ring, he ran towards the unconscious bluenette. "Marinette! Marinette!" He de-transformed back to Adrien, "Marinette? M'lady?"

The blonde boy cupped her face in his hands, "princess, please don't go. I'm sorry, I didn't want this to happen." Plagg and Tikki watched as they sat by Hugo. "We have to take her to a doctor immediately", said the red kwami.

Adrien hugged Marinette as tears rolled down his cheeks, "this (sniff) this is all my fault."

He threw a piece of Camembert at Plagg, which he quickly ate. Adrien picked up his ring and slid it back on his finger. Plagg...claws out."

Cat noir picked Marinette up in one arm and Hugo in the other. He ran towards Alya's house  with Tikki floating by him.

"Alya!", "Chat! Your back! What happened to Mari-" Cat noir handed her Hugo, "take care of him and Tikki till I get back."

Alya gave him a confused face, "what? What happened to Marinette? What's going on?"

Cat noir quickly jumped out the window with Marinette in his arms, he held her bridal-style. He didn't have time to answer Alya's question, he needed to get his princess to a doctor.

This is all my fault, my stupid selfishness got in the way, now look what it's done. I hurt her, physically and mentally. What kind of father, husband am I?  Of course she would never love me, not someone like me...

The black cat arrived at the hospital, he kicked the door open and rushed to the nurse at the front desk. "Get her to the infirmary room immediately!"

The nurse opened her eyes wide. The great hero of Paris, barges in, holding a random woman wearing a nightgown in the middle of the night, she seemed unconscious too.

"Uh, what's her name, address,-" The black cat rolled his eyes, "Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, she lives on Mortine St. in apartment 12, has a son named Hugo, he's a newborn, she's 19 years-old and she's unconscious right now so could you please take her to the infirmary room Now!"

The nurse nodded and signaled other nurses to bring help. A few nurses brought a body cart and lied Marinette's delicate body on it.

They immediately rushed her down the hall, Chat's heart started beating faster, the more distant she seemed the more he panicked.

The nurse got up from her chair , "Could you tell me how you and Marinette have connection with each other, since you know he so well?" Cat noir looked at the nosy nurse and without thinking he said,

             "She's my girlfriend of course."

The nurses eyebrows raised so high, that they could've left her forehead. "Eh, pardon, She's your girlfriend?", Cat noir nodded. He leaned in, "is there a problem with that?", giving her an evil glare.

The nurse shook her and sheepishly smiled, "and she had a baby, that's...yours?", he nodded again, "Why'd you ask? Is there something wrong with having a baby with a hero?" The nurse started sweating, "N-No, c-congratulations."

   The cat backed away from her, "Thanks."

1058 words, so this story is about to finish just a few more chapters sorry!😣
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I think I'll start writing a chapter everyday to get this story done.

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