~Honestly, it hurts~

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Author's note: If the music stops, please replay it! Trust me, you'll need it.
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We sometimes have to lie about the truth, knowing how much it would hurt the ones we love, but in reality, hiding it hurts the most.
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Marinette's POV
Ugh, my head hurts. The pain is overbearing, I couldn't even remember what happened last night. I slowly opened my eyes. At first, everything was blurry, but it started to clear up. I stared at the ceiling a bit, I couldn't move my head, I started dazing off.

I heard a door open, interrupting my daze, but I didn't move my head. "How are you feeling Miss Dupain-Cheng?", the voice sounded like a woman's voice. It was sweet, gentle, and caring. I rolled my eyes towards her.

It was a young woman, black hair, hazel eyes, probably in her 20's, and she smiled softly at me waiting for an answer. I could tell she was a nurse, from the outfit she was wearing.

I looked away, "why am I here?" The nurse pulled a chair next to my bed and sat down next to me. "Don't you remember what happened at all last night?", this time she sounded concerned.

I still didn't move my head, I closed my eyes, holding my tears back. I don't know why I'm here or why, what happened last night that might've caused me to end up here?

"You have some visitors that want to see you, your..uh, boyfriend is also here." I raised an eyebrow, what boyfriend!? Bish, she better not be joking, a nurse, joking to a patient? Nope.

She smiled at me again and got up, she walked out the door, leaving me alone again.

I don't have a boyfriend? So who's waiting for me out there, who claims there my boyfriend?
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"Marinette is awake, you may now go see her. Her room is on the fifth floor, down the left hall at the second to last door, ok?" Alya nodded, "thank you Mrs. Alveraz." The nurse smiled, "your welcome."

She walked away, Marinette's parents ran to the elevator, "guys slow down!", Alya sighed and went after them. "Yea, the doctors said she's gonna be okay, don't worry", Cat noir stepped in. He held Hugo in his arms, the little boy wore a black cat onesie as he drank milk from a baby bottle chat handed him.

Sabine put her hands on her hips, "Your the one who got her here in the first place! So don't tell me she's gonna be 'okay'!" Tom placed his hand on her shoulder to calm her down, "honey! He's a hero and this isn't his fault, it was the akuma. We have to respect him, he's part of the family."

Sabine crosses her arms, "fine."

They all went inside the elevator and Tom pressed the 5th button, after awhile of awkward silence they finally arrived to the fifth floor. Sabine walked quickly past them, and speed-walked down the left hall to the second to last door, remembering where the nurse told her to go.

Sabine bursted into the room and ran towards Marinette, hugging her. Tom then came into the room and joined their hug, "How's my cupcake doing?" Marinette smiled, "I'm okay papa."

Alya was about to walk inside, but noticed cat noir's upheaval look on his face, before he looked calm and now he had a worried frown on his face. The ombré walked towards the hesitated cat, "Chat, what's wrong?"

The black cat sighed, "I know I promised to tell Marinette about what lie-la did, but..." Alya rubbed her forehead with her thumb and index finger. "Look, I know your afraid to tell her. It's hard and I understand if you want to change you mind, but chat She's your girlfriend!"

Chat shrugged, "were not technically official."
The ombré sighed in annoyance, "that's not the point." Tom poked his head through the door, "aren't you guys gonna come inside, is something wrong?" Both Alya and Cat noir shook their heads giving him a nervous smile.

Alya grabbed the black cat's wrist, "we were just about to head inside anyways." Chat pouted, "but-" Alya yanked his arm into the room, before Tom grew suspiciousness. Marinette lied in bed, while Sabine held her hand and squeezed it.

"Mari! Are you ok!", Alya ran towards the bluenette and hugged her, she hugged back. "I'm okay, thank you for coming, all of you."
Chat awkwardly walked towards Mari. "Hey, pri-I mean Mari, are you feeling better now?"

Marinette lifted her arm, she put her hand on his cheek and nodded. The black cat kissed the back of it, "wanna hold him? Hugo missed his mother."I wasn't sure if I should've wrote mommy, mom, or momma so I just stuck with mother.) Cat noir handed the baby to Marinette, Hugo finished his baby bottle and was sleeping.

Cat noir sat next to her, he looked at Alya. The ombré knew why he looked at her and nodded.

"Could me and Marinette be alone for a bit?", Tom and Sabine nodded and left including Alya. The door shut behind them, the room was silent again.

"Chat?", The black cat looked at the worried bluenette. "Yes Princess?" Marinette looked into his emerald eyes, "why am I here? How did I get here? What happened last night?"

Cat noir hesitated, "you passed out last night..so I took you to the hospital..." Marinette shifted a bit in the bed, "oh." Chat put his hand on Hugo's head, the baby slept peacefully in his mother's arms. "He's so adorable when he's asleep", smiled Marinette. Cat noir smiled and nodded, but his smile soon vanished.

"Mari, there's actually something else I...want to tell you."

"It happened last night."

Marinette looked at him serious, "what happened?" The black cat scratched the back of his neck.

"Don't get mad or anything, ok?"

Marinette nodded, but she wasn't sure where this was heading.

"Last night...I bumped into Lila...

We talked...

But things got bad...


Kissed me..."

1036 words. I'll write more next time, sorry that I haven't posted in a while, one word: School 😒 Hope you enjoyed his chapter 🙃

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