~He's your son~

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Cat blanc, got up. "What are you talking about?!" Marinette sobbed, "I was pregnant with your child Cat blanc!! For god sakes, is it that hard to understand!!??"

Cat blanc, let go of her slowly. The bluenette felt a lot of pain in her wrists, she realized they were red from how hard Chat was squeezing them.

Marinette slowly put her hand on his right cheek, "I'm sorry I lied, I was afraid-", but before she could finish someone interrupted her.

"Get off of her right now Chat!" Alybug Yelled through the doorframe, swinging her yo-yo.

Cat blanc hissed and got off of Marinette, "No Alybug! Stop! it's only gonna make this situation worse!"

"Marinette! I need you to go! Now!" Marinette quickly got off the bed, "NO! I'm not leaving again!" Cat blanc grabbed Alybug's left arm and threw her across the room.

"Chat!", Mari grabbed his arm. "Please stop! She didn't do anything to deserve this!"

The white cat pulled his arm away from her grip, "your right, she didn't. You did."

A loud cry was then heard throughout the house, the cry sounded like a baby, Cat blanc turned to the noise. This gave Alybug an opportunity , so she then swung her to yo-yo at his ankle and yanked it, causing him to fall.

Marinette left the room, to check on Hugo. The baby lied in bed, crying from the loud noises he  heard. "Shh, shhh, Hugo, (Marinette took him out of his crib and rocked the baby in her arms) it's okay Hugo, everything is gonna be okay."
         But, we both know that's not true

A loud shatter was heard from Marinette's room, so she immediately left the apartment with Hugo, she knew he wasn't safe here because of chat. Marinette went ran to Le Grand Paris, she knew Chloe would be nice enough to let her stay at the hotel, now that she's changed.

Marinette arrived to the front door, but a security guard stood there. The man put his right hand out, as to halt her. "Sorry ma'am, I can't let you in unless miss Bourgeois said you had permission."

"I need to see her now! It's an emergency!" The security guard shook his head.

                           You little bitch....

Marinette then kicked the security man's balls with anger. The man wheezed, "Arhhh..wtf?", he collapsed on the floor in pain, clenching the space between his legs. Marinette smiled, "Sorry not sorry!", as she ran into the hotel.

                 He deserved it anyways

Marinette looked around for Chloe. "Chloe! Chloe Bourgeois!?" "Marinette?", the bluenette turned around, she saw Chloe standing behind her with a worried look on her face.

"Is everything ok?", Marinette shook her head. "I need you to hold onto Hugo, please?"

Chloe squealed, "is that your baby!! Oh! He's so cute!! I'll gladly take care of him,but why?"

Marinette handed Hugo to Chloe, "it's...a long story, I'll be back, I promise." Chloe nodded and made funny faces at the baby, "Your such a cutie, hehe."

The bluenette kissed Hugo's head and quickly left. Chloe took the baby to her room and lied him in her bed, where he later fell asleep.

"Just give up Alybug! You clearly proven you can't fight like a hero", chuckled Cat blanc. Alybug wiped the blood off her mouth as she glared at him, "were just getting started kitty-cat." Alybug grabbed her yo-yo and aimed it at Cat blanc's head, he dogged it. "Is that all you got bug?"

*Beep! beep!* "Oh, looks like your time is up bug", Cat blanc grinned. Alybug cupped her earring, "come on tikk", she whispered.

"Now, where's my 'son'?" Cat blanc looked around the room. He went to the baby's crib, but he wasn't there, Chat growled. "What?! Where's my son!?" "He's safe! Safe from you!", Marinette stood behind him with her arms crossed.

Cat blanc turned around, "oh, so now your gonna keep my son away from me? What other things are you keeping from me princess?"

Marinette frowned "I don't want you to hurt my son! Chat, please, this isn't you." The white Cat smirked, "really? Or is that another lie of yours?"

                 Oh shut up you stupid cat

Mari grabbed his face and kissed him. Cat blanc was a bit shocked, but kissed her back anyways, he put his hands around her waist.

Her lips are so soft...such a shame it has to end

He broke the kiss, "sorry princess, but maybe now is not the right time. Don't think you can escape that easily." Marinette looked into his eyes, his evil yet fierce eyes.

"D-don't you love me?", Cat blanc chuckled. "Maybe not right now princess.", he pushed Marinette against the wall and pinned her. Mari wrapped her legs around his waist and rested her arms on his chest.

"Now, where is he?", Marinette stayed quiet. "You know where he is, now tell me, or it will be the end of you", Cat blanc squeezed her thighs tighter.

"Eh, Chat...(moans a bit)." Cat blanc smirked, "come on princess, time's ticking." Marinette shook her head, "do all you want to me, but I'm not telling you where he is!"

"I'd be glad to, but I want my son first." Mari bit her lip, "let me go right now Chat." He frowned, "Now your pushing my buttons, I asked you a question, I expect an answer."

904 words, wow. I feel like I don't wanna do this story anymore I mean I just don't know, I don't feel inspired to write more.

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