~Cat meets Kitten~

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Marinette sat on a bench, "can we take a break for a bit Alya?" Alya pouted, "hmmmm, can I keep pushing the stroller,while you take a break? Pretty please!!!!" Marinette sighed, "ok,fine."

Alya squealed and hugged Marinette, "Thanks! I'm glad that I have you as a bestie!" Alya then left with Hugo. Marinette smiled and shook her head, "she'll never change."

All of a sudden a loud blast was heard behind Marinette "what the hell!?", she turned around and saw an akumatized villain. "My name is Venousa!! Paris can say goodbye to their love,while I replace it with Pure Toxic!! Hahaha!!"

Venousa saw Marinette and pointed at her, "how about you fellow Parisian! You seem worthy enough!" Marinette stepped back, she realized that she left Hugo with Alya!

Venousa held a bottle, that had a skull face on it,she pointed it towards Marinette and smirked. Marinette ran away from the villain, she looked back,Venousa was chasing her.

"Alya! Alya! Hugo!!" Marinette kept looking for Alya, she was worried that something must've happened to her,especially Hugo. I'm such an idiot! Why did I leave her with Hugo! Alya's a hero though,so I guess I can trust her, right?

Marinette ran and hid behind an ally, luckily Venousa lost sight of her. "Phew", sighed Marinette.

Cat noir's POV
"Here! I need you to hold him while I go find the mother!" Alybug gave me some random baby, "what!? I'm a hero not a babysitter!" Alybug rolled her eyes, "I didn't ask you if you."

She quickly left, I looked at the baby, he was chewing on a cat plushie. I smiled at him, who ever has this baby must be lucky, he's actually a cutie. I kissed the baby's forehead, he giggled,which made me want to give him more kisses.
The baby ringed my bell of my suit, he giggled and kept playing with it. "You like my bell don't you little guy?" My cat ears flopped and he giggled even more. "ba-ba", the baby chewed on his foot.

Guess he has a chewing addiction. I snuggled the little boy, he later fell asleep. I looked up, "where's Alybug?" A loud crash was heard at the park, causing the baby to cry. "Oh, shhh,don't cry it's ok I'm here." I rocked the baby,hoping he would be quiet, didn't work.

Cat noir thought that maybe the baby was hungry,but since it didn't have teeth yet he didn't know what to give him, he checked his diaper, still clean...for now. "What am I suppose to do with you?", he sighed.

Cat noir went to see the crash that he heard earlier, he saw Alybug fighting with Venousa. "What! She said she was gonna look for your mom! Great she tricked me into babysitting." Hugo continued to play with his bell.

"Hugo! Hugo! Hugo where are you!?" Cat noir heard a women yelling, "huh?" Cat noir looked down and saw a women yelling, though he couldn't see her face,he jumped down. "Is everything ok ma'am?"

The lady looked behind her back and her eyes opened wide, she noticed cat noir was holding her baby and took it, she quickly ran away. "Hey! That's not yours!" Cat noir and chased her.

          Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit

Cat noir grabbed her arm, "give me the boy." Marinette didn't turn around and clutched Hugo in her arms, "ma'am, I won't say it again, give me the baby." Marinette  stayed quiet, tears rolled down her eyes. Cat noir turned her around so she could look at him, "is this your child?"

Marinette quickly lowered her head and nodded, he didn't recognize me I hope.

Cat noir let go of her arm, "I'm sorry, you could've at least told be before." Marinette nodded again and quickly left before he got suspicious. She seems so paranoid, did I do something wrong?

And I'll stop here, 661 words. Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though this story kinda sucks but whatever I honestly dc

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