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Marinette held one suitcase in her hand, and another one in her other hand as she dragged them behind her to find a chair to sit in. She didn't tell anyone that she was leaving, expect Tikki,all of a sudden she felt her phone vibrate.

Marinette stopped and took out her phone to see that Alya was calling her. Marinette answered, "h-hello?" "Girl! Where are you!? Your family is worried sick, you whole apartment is empty! What the hell is going on?!" Alya yelled so loud that some people looked at Marinette with confused faces.

Marinette gave them an awkward smile and covered her phone with her hand, "Alya pipe down! I know, and I'm sorry,but I'm leaving Paris." Alya stayed quiet, "what? Why? Did something happen??" Marinette looked down at her belly,it had a small bump, "no,everything is fine, I just..." , Marinette started to tear up.

"Alya...I (sniff) I have to,go." Alya heard Marinette's voice crack, "Mari?.." Marinette hanged up, "I'm sorry Alya.." A voice was then heard over the intercom, "Passengers that are leaving to America may now go through door B to get on to the plane ready for liftoff."

Marinette grabbed her suitcases and went towards door B, and other people too,she sat down in the back of the plane that had a window next to her. An old lady sat next to Marinette, the old looked at Marinette and smiled. "Is there any particular reason your going to America?"

Marinette looked at the old lady and smiled, "just off to see my relatives." The old lady nodded and looked away. Marinette turned back to the window and frowned, I guess I am leaving Paris,the city I grew up in with my family,where I met my friends,where I even became a superhero,where I found love...where I met Adrien....where I met Chat.

Tears started to form in Marinette's eyes, big,heavy tears rolled down her checks and she quickly wiped them. She went through her purse to take out a black box, she opened it...where's my necklace?? Marinette looked through her purse,her necklace wasn't in there. No I can't leave without it, it's the only memory I have.

Marinette then realized that she left it at her apartment, she took it off when she was mad at at chat and forgot to put it in the box,she quickly got up from her seat, "Wait! Don't start the plane!"

One of the employees looked at her, "ma'am you must sit,the plane is about to start", "No I need to get off now!" The pilot then  spoke on the intercom, "all passengers must stay seated,because were about to take lift off."

Marinette gasped as tears rolled down her cheeks, she touched her belly only to feel a bump. Marinette sat down and slouched her shoulders, she wiped her tears once again.

Stay strong Marinette,don't cry over a necklace, it's not worth it.
(Should I keep going? Yea, I'm really bored anyways 😁)

Marinette had to wait 8 hours to get there, she kept rubbing her stomach. Once 8 hours had finally passed she got off the plane,grabbed her suitcase and left. Now,she was in America, here is where she would raise her child.

Alya kept pacing back and forth,trying to contact Marinette,but it kept leading to voicemail. "Ughhh why isn't she answering!?" Sabine wiped her tears away, "this isn't like Marinette, why is she doing this!?" Tom rubbed Sabine's back "I don't know honey."

Alya grunted, "WHY IS SHE NOT PICKING UP THE DAMN PHONE!!!??" Alya sat down on the couch and sobbed. Sabine sat down next to Alya and hugged her.

"This (sniff) this isn't like Marinette", Alya said through her tears. Sabine nodded, "I don't understand why she would do something like this either."

"She didn't even say goodbye", Alya whimpered.

Marinette's POV
It's been a few months since I left Paris, I found an apartment to live in and I met a lot of nice people, and my stomach started to get big. It's tiring though, having to work with this baby, I can't wait to see what he looks like! Yup it's a boy! I wonder what I should name him, maybe Kyle? I think I should name it Hugo,since chat likes that name. I'm so happy,but at the same time guilty, I keep getting texts and calls from my parents and Alya.

I love them,I really do, but I ignore them because I'm scared what they will say or what I will say. "Oh, I'm pregnant with chat's baby's no big deal", yea that wouldn't sound good at all.

One day I went to the supermarket, I went down an isle, "hey! Aren't you Marinette?" I turned around and I saw LUKA and guess who was with him, CHLOE! "L-luka?" Chloe Smiled and cupped her face with her hands, "Are you having a child!! How much months are you!? Is it a boy or a girl!? Oh tell me tell me tell me!!"

I gave her a weird look, "Is this the Chloe  Bourgeois I knew in high school?" I said looking at Luka,he chuckled  "yea, but she's changed now."

I looked at Chloe who held Luka's arm, "I'm sorry about everything and what I said in the past Marinette." I smiled back, "it's ok Chloe, I always knew their was a spark in you", Chloe hugged me, "Thank you!"

"So,why are you guys in America?", Chloe giggled "I could ask you the same thing too." I nervously chuckled, "so Mari, who's the dad?" Luka asked looking at me for an answer.

I stayed silent, "It's-uh...I have to go actually,I-it was nice seeing you two!" Like an idiot I quickly left the isle and never saw them again. That was the most embarrassing and possibly the most stupidest thing I've done so far.

I just hope this baby won't be the end of me.

Ok now I stop here, I might now be active so please don't get mad at me! I don't always have time,since I actually have a project to do...whoops😅

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