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"Alya...he's the one who got me pregnant." Marinette covered her face with her hands, embarrassed to look at Alya.

"WhAT!? HoW-wHeN-WHAT!!??" Alya got up from the couch and put her hands on Marinette's shoulders, shaking her like crazy.

"Why didn't you tell me this before!?? Actually, why didn't you tell him!? How did this even happen!? Were you both in a relationship or something!?", yelled Alya.

Marinette shook her head repeatedly, she got up from the couch. "Alya, I think it's best that I go back to America." Alya broke their hug, "what, you can't! Please don't go, you can't keep running away, it's not gonna fix anything. Think about your child's future Mari, do you really want him to grow up without a father?"

The blue-nette lowered her head, "I care about him Alya, I really do, but if that's the case then so be it."

Tikki floated next to Marinette, "if your not gonna tell cat noir, then I'll tell him!"

Marinette grabbed the angry kwami, "No! Don't you dare Tikki! Please don't tell him, you promised."

Tikki sighed, "yes, but you can't hide this forever." Marinette let go of Tikki, "if it's necessary,then I will." Alya wiped her tears away, Marinette hugged Alya. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Besides, Hugo could get hurt from the akumas."

Alya sobbed into Marinette's shoulder. Tikki looked at Hugo as he slept peacefully in his crib, surprisingly he didn't wake up from the yelling.

"I'll start packing tomorrow." Marinette let Alya go and went to her room. Alya noticed Tikki opened the window, "uh, Tikki? Where are you going?" Tikki turned around, "I know I promised Marinette, but it's about time someone told him."

"Are you really going to tell him?" Tikki nodded and left.

Tikki went all over Paris, she remembered that Cat noir would always visit Marinette's old apartment. Tikki flew over to the old apartment, but couldn't find him anywhere.

"Cat noir? It's me, Tikki, Alybug's kwami." Tikki went inside the apartment, not sight of him.

That's strange. The little kwami noticed something shiny, so she flew over to it. A beautiful necklace lied on the floor,  it sparkled as it reflected the moon's light. Wait, this is Marinette's necklace, she must've been looking for it.

Tikki picked up the necklace, until she heard a few footsteps behind her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Tikki turned around, she saw Cat noir, but instead of seeing him in his black leather suit, it was white. His eyes glowed bright yellow, instead of his charming smile, she saw a creepy smiled across his face.

"C-Cat noir?" The White cat grabbed Tikki, "it's not nice to take things that aren't yours." "Y-your akumatized!! Let me go Cat noir!"

          "Please, call me Chat blanc, Tikki."

"Let me go! I didn't mean to cause harm!" Cat blanc picked up the necklace and looked at it, "do you perhaps know a girl, who's name is Marinette?"

Tikki shook her head, lying. Cat blanc looked at her and frowned, "what a shame, thought you could actually be helpful for once", he grinned, "you know Plagg would actually be better help then you."

Tikki whimpered, "awww, don't be cry Tikki, I won't hurt you...unless I have too." The kwami looked up into his citrine, evil eyes. The white cat put the valuable necklace into his pocket and walked towards the balcony.

"C-Cat blanc, what caused you to be like...this?" Cat blanc looked at the sky, "You know, holding back a lot of emotions for months isn't fun. Those emotions you feel for that one person...who (grunt) who abandons you like your nothing to them."

The cat looked at the Kwami, "Once I find that person, she'll learn her lesson." Tikki frowned, I told Marinette to tell him when she had the chance, now look what she's done. "Maybe, she didn't mean to leave you", Tikki said giving him a sheepish smile.

Cat blanc snarled at the Kwami, "I'm not taking excuses! I loved her! And she just leaves me, not even caring how it would make me feel!! And to think, she just used me for experience and that was it!", he chuckled a bit.

"How long I waited here, hoping one day she would come back, I was such an idiot." Cat blanc let Tikki go, "go back to your owner, I don't care. She can't even fight." Tikki gave him a confused look.

The villain left, without letting her say anything back. I have to tell Alya and Marinette. Tikki quickly left and headed towards Alya's apartment. Little did she know, the only reason  he let her go was because he knew she was lying, he could smell Marinette's scent on her,but then again he could be wrong.

Cat blanc went after the Kwami, once she finally arrived to an apartment, he saw Alya, where's Marinette!?, he grunted.

Alya quickly transformed into Alybug and left the apartment, on the search for Cat blanc. Once, she left, Cat blanc went inside the open window. "Marrrrinnette?", he said playfully, he noticed a crib and walked towards it. There, slept the same baby he saw earlier, Hugo slept peacefully.

"Who are you!?", yelled a voice. Cat blanc turned around. A woman stood at the door frame, her hair was down and her midnight-blue hair matched her blue-bell eyes and she wore a red nightgown.

Looks like this:

(Yes, I had to be this detailed 🙃)Cat blanc looked at her, examining her from head-to-toe, he had a sudden urge to kiss her,but he held it in

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(Yes, I had to be this detailed 🙃)
Cat blanc looked at her, examining her from head-to-toe, he had a sudden urge to kiss her,but he held it in. Yup, that's her. "C-Cat noir? Why are you here? Why is your suit white?" Cat blanc frowned.

"It's shocking you still remember me, Princess", he walked towards slowly. Marinette backed away cautiously, "Chat!? I-I.." Marinette stepped back, going back to her room, Cat blanc smirked and threw her onto the bed.

"Chat! Please! I'm sorry, I-I was- I didn't mean to leave you alone like this all-" Cat blanc put his finger on her lips, quieting her down.

"You know how much pain you've caused me Princess? How long I waited for you." He leaned in.  Cat blanc grabbed Marinette's wrists with one hand and put them above her head. "Chat, (sob) I'm sorry,please don't hurt me, (sob) I didn't mean to make you feel hurt."

(I don't really write sin, or do sin. I'm not really that type of sin person,because I find it gross. So I won't make them... ya know, but maybe just a bit lemon)

Cat blanc licked and kissed her neck, he whispered into her ear, "your going to pay for what you did to me."  Marinette blushed a bit, she could feel his breath against her ear, it sent shivers down her spine. Where's Alya?! This is all my fault, I should've listened to Tikki when I had the chance. Marinette said something, something she knew she was gonna regret, what she was trying to hide from him this whole time.

"Chat, the only reason I left you..was because..I was pregnant...pregnant with your son."

1183 words, Cliffhanger! Hehe I'm a terrible person. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I might not be active😔

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