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Cat noir's POV
It's been almost a year since, I have seen Marinette and I'm still not over her. People say she's either went missing or just moved, whatever reason it is I just hope she's still out there,safe.
I also have a new partner, her name is Alybug, she said ladybug had to leave Paris or whatever,but I don't understand why would ladybug just abandon me and Paris? Was something going on in her family?

"Uh,Cat noir? Are you ok?" Alybug looked at me curiously, "yea,why'd you ask?" Alybug crosses her arms, "Your always dazing off,Cat noir you have to stay alert in case there's an akuma." I nodded, I took out the necklace from my pocket,yup, I still have it. I looked at it and frowned, "Wow! That's a beautiful necklace, who's it for?" Alybug looked at the necklace.

I quickly then put the necklace back into my pocket, "no one", I said harshly.

Cat noir left,leaving Alybug by herself, she sighed and shook her head. Cat noir went back to his mansion, he detransformed and put the necklace on a counter. "Ahh finally,now where's my cheese!?" Demanded the black kwami. Adrien rolled his eyes and threw the cheese at the Kwami.

Adrien grabbed the necklace and looked at the heart, It glimmered and sparked. Plagg sat on his shoulder, "why do you still have that? Adrien, its time you moved on to a different girl,besides Marinette is probably already in a relationship with someone right now."

The black Kwami swallowed his cheese and let out a small burp.

"Ugh, Plagg!" Yelled Adrien squeezing his nose. Plagg snickered, "ANYWAYS...I know,but I can't let go of her, I just want to at least know why she was mad at me the day before she left."

Adrien clenched the necklace in his hand, "or maybe I'll never know." Plagg shrugged, "don't you have that photo shoot to go to today at, I don't know...RIGHT NOW!" Adrien looked at his watch, "PLAGG! HOW COME YOUR TELLING ME THIS NOW!?"

"THATS NOT THE POINT!" Yelled Plagg back. Adrien sighed frustrated and quickly went to his limo.

Marinette sat in her room,reading a book as she rubbed her belly,she could feel a few kicks, some of them were strong kicks. "Your gonna be a strong boy just like your dad" whispered Marinette. Marinette's phone then rang, it was Alya, Marinette sighed and canceled the call,then she got a text from Alya.

Marinette groaned, "why Alya!" She picked up her phone to see the text message. "WhAT!?" Yelled Marinette dropping her phone onto the bed. The text message read, Alya: I know your pregnant and that your ladybug. Marinette quickly called Alya and she answered.

"Alya!? How did you- who told you!?" Yelled Marinette, "Well, Your kwami told me the whole story." "Wait, how do you know my kwami?", Marinette asked suspiciously. "Welll,your kwami told me this because she said she needed someone to take Ladybug's spot and so I agreed."

Marinette sighed, "Did she tell you who got me pregnant though?" "No,that's why I'm calling you." Marinette frowned, "I really don't wanna talk about it Alya and I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was ladybug." "It's ok, I understand, but Mari...have you ever heard of something called a CONDOM?! Like seriously girl,what were you thinking!?"

Marinette giggled, "what's so funny?" Asked Alya. Marinette shrugged, "I miss these old conversations,it's been such a long time." "Yea,so do I, Mari, when are you gonna come back to Paris? Everyone misses you", Alya sounded serious.

Marinette sighed, "I don't know Alya, I don't know if I'm ready." Marinette heard Alya sigh over the phone, "Marinette, can I ask you something? Did you leave Paris because of the person who got you pregnant?" Marinette stayed quiet for a bit, "Yes. I just don't think that person even wants to have children with me and I'm afraid to tell them."

"Marinette, you can't just lie to that person forever,you have to tell them the truth,this is also their responsibility", Marinette's eyebrows furrowed, "it's easy for you to say since you don't even know the person Alya!!" Marinette hanged up and started to cry.

All of a sudden, she felt some liquid spill out from between her legs, Marinette's eyes opened wide,she realized her water broke. Marinette called her neighbor to call the hospital and the neighbor did.

Marinette was taken to a hospital where she was rushed to the surgery room. Marinette breathed rapidly as the pain kept getting worse, "'arghhhh,ahhhhhh!!" One of the nurses told her to calm down,but Marinette couldn't stop, she felt Hugo kicking harder.

So help me, if I get pregnant with chat's baby again I will kick chat's ass to space.

Marinette kept breathing rapidly as she held one of the nurse's hands,squeezing it. "Ahhhh!! , GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!" The nurses finally got her to the room where Marinette kept screaming. "Ma'am, I'm going to need you to quiet down a bit." Marinette glared at her, "I don't care! This baby is about to burst out of me!!" The nurses sighed and closed the door, the doctor put his gloves on and they started with the procedure.

Come on Hugo, make this easy for your mother please.....

Marinette thought of cat noir, she thought about everything they've done together.

"It doesn't matter because the most valuable thing I have is...you" those same words kept replying in Marinette's head, over,and over again.

Silence filled the room, expect for the cries she kept hearing. Marinette looked down, she looked down at a crying baby, her crying baby.

Finally her baby is born!! Ma heart 😭😭 sorry I can be dramatic at times, 970 words! 🤷‍♀️ The title spoiled everything didn't it!?? ☹️😒 Cliffhanger???

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