4. Capable

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Not that this is important but the glasses that Josh wears are the ones he wore when he proposed to Debby


"Dude!" Josh copied, laughing lightly into his phone.

"I'm bored and I'm hungry—"

"Aren't those the same thing with you, Brendon?" Josh questioned.


"Okay thanks for owning up to it," Josh laughed once more.

"Anyway I was thinking..." Brendon started going on about something but Josh tuned his best friend out when he noticed his door open. Jim walked in and Josh raised an eyebrow as to how the hell a dog opened his door.

The door opened wider and he saw his sister standing there, a smile on her face. "I saw him sitting outside your door so I let him in," Abbie giggled. "Guess what!"

"What?" Josh replied, a small smile on his face from his sister's excitement.

"I made the cheer team!"

Josh's face broke out into a wide grin and he held his arms open. Abbie went over to him and Josh crushed her in a big brother hug. "I'm so proud of you, Abs."

"Thank you," she whispered into his shoulder. They pulled away and he ruffled her red hair, making her giggle again. "Okay, I know you were on the phone so I'll leave you alone now. I love you."

"I love you too," he replied, watching her shut the door. As soon as it was closed, Jim jumped up on the bed and pawed his way over to Josh before plopping his head in his lap. Josh's heart swelled and he carded his fingers through Jim's fur.

He put the phone back to his ear. "Were you even listening to me?" Brendon huffed.

"No," Josh replied honestly.

"I said since it's Friday we should go have celebratory end of the week Taco Bell."

Josh's ears perked up at that. "Yes!" He said excitedly, making Jim's head pop up. "Man, I'm gonna get a foodgasm thinking about it oh God I love Taco Bell."

"Me too. You aren't special."

"I know," Josh hummed. "Are Dallon and Hayley going?"

"Dallon is but I haven't asked Hayley yet. Boyfriend, best friend, bitch. That's the order."

"I thought Hayley was your best friend and I was your bitch," Josh faux pouted.

"Okay," Brendon decided. "From here on out you're my bitch."

"Thank you for this opportunity I won't let you down," Josh said quickly making Brendon laugh. "I would love to go but I'm broke so let me go beg my mom for money."

"I can pay—"

"No you can not," Josh instantly cut him off. "Let me go harass my birth giver I'll call you back."


Before Josh could even respond the line went dead. He laughed before getting out of bed and hurrying down the steps.

His mom was in the kitchen, making something for dinner. She was still in her scrubs since she had just gotten back from work. Since she was just a nurse at the emergency room she was usually able to get off in time to come home for dinner. Her and Josh's dad took turns making it and tonight it was his mom's turn.

"Hi, Ma," Josh began, leaning against the counter while she stirred a pot of noodles.

Laura looked over and inspected the innocent smile on Josh's face. She narrowed her eyes. "What do you want?"

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