35. The Lion King

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After dinner, Tyler and Joshua went back upstairs to the latter's room and were currently sitting on his bed.

"Is there anything you wanna do?" Joshua asked.

Tyler hummed. "Not that I can think of."

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"What kind of movie?"

"What kind of movies do you like?"

Tyler thought for a moment. "I think the only movies I have viewed have either been Christian or educational."

Joshua instantly sat up. "Are you telling me you've never seen a Disney movie?"

Tyler shook his head.

Joshua gasped and scrambled out of bed before running out of the room.

"Joshua!" Tyler laughed out, shaking his head.

"I'll be back in a second!" He yelled from another room.

Tyler shook his head and waited patiently. Joshua had let the door open when he left and Tyler was startled when Jim walked in the door.

The dog sniffed around before jumping on the bed and pawing over to Tyler. He stopped right in front of him and sat down, his tongue sticking out as he pant.

Tyler hesitantly stuck his hands out and Jim sniffed that too before licking it. "Ew," Tyler grimaced, wiping the dog spit on the bed.

Jim let out small whimper and nudged Tyler's hand with his wet nose. Tyler sighed and set his hand on Jim's head.

"You have to rub your hand back and forth to pet him. Or scratch behind his ear. He likes that."

Tyler looked up to see Joshua walking back in. He made his way to the TV and turned on the DVD player that was on the shelf.

Tyler hesitantly pet Jim's head and and dog began panting happily again. He got up and plopped himself into Tyler's lap, resting his head on Tyler's knee. "Oh!" Tyler spoke, not expecting Jim to do that.

Joshua looked over and he had the biggest look of adoration on his face. "Aww," he gushed. "My favorite person with my favorite dog."

Tyler blushed and rolled his eyes. "What are we watching?" He asked as he continued to pet Jim.

"The Lion King. It's my favorite Disney movie next to Big Hero Six."

"What is it about?"

Joshua laughed as he crawled back onto the bed and leaned against his headboard. "I've never had to explain the Lion King to someone before," he joked. "It's about how Simba becomes king of the jungle I guess."

Tyler scrunched his face up. "Sounds dumb."

"You're dumb," Joshua shot back

"We both know that's not true," Tyler gave him a pointed look causing Joshua to let out a small laugh.

"Jim, up," he spoke causing the dog to get up off of Tyler's lap. He walked to the corner of the bed and curled up there. "C'mere," Joshua pat the spot next to him and Tyler scooted over to it. He sat just next to Joshua until the older wrapped his arm around Tyler and pulled him in for a cuddle. He pressed a kiss to Tyler's forehead as he started the movie.

They sat there contently as the movie played. The only sound made was Tyler shuffling closer to Joshua.

It was about halfway through that Tyler felt kisses being pressed to his jaw. "Can I help you, Joshua?"

"Mmm I think you can," the mentioned mumbled as he rubbed his hand up and down Tyler's thigh.

Tyler pulled away and looked at his boyfriend. "Joshua, Mufasa just died and you're trying to make out with me?"

Joshua gave him a cheeky smile. "Maybe."

Tyler rolled his eyes and went back to watching the movie.

"Tyler..." Joshua whined.

"Joshua..." Tyler mimicked in a whiny voice.

"Please," Joshua buried his nose into Tyler's neck. "I'm horny," he whispered.

Tyler pulled away. "Sorry about your inconvenience."

Joshua huffed and crossed his arms. "You're mean."

"I never said I wasn't," Tyler hummed. "Does horny mean you would like to make out?"

Joshua smiled softly. "Sure. Or it means I want to do something sexual but I know you aren't comfortable with that and I'm not going to pressure you into doing so."

Tyler nodded. "I appreciate that. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for not pressuring you into sex, baby," Joshua laughed out.

Tyler turned to look at him and he bit his lip anxiously before leaning in and pressing his lips to Joshua's. Joshua pulled Tyler onto his lap before placing his hands on Tyler's cheeks. He kissed back deeply and Tyler's hands rested underneath Joshua's shirt on his back.

The kiss started heating up and Joshua lightly bit on Tyler's lower lip, causing a small moan to come from the boy.

Tyler quickly pulled back with a red face and wide eyes. "I did not mean to do that."

"Fuck," Joshua panted out. "That was so fucking hot."

Tyler didn't get the chance to say anything else because Joshua was attaching his lips to his again, kissing him passionately. As he did so, he laid Tyler onto the bed so he was on his back and Joshua was hovering over him. Tyler let out pants as Joshua kissed down his jaw and neck.

"Joshua," he breathed out, his hands tangling in his boyfriend's curls.

"Yeah, baby?" He replied in between kisses.

Tyler pushed gently on Joshua so he sat up. Both of them were panting and Joshua's hair was sticking up everywhere while Tyler's face was flushed.

"I really, really enjoyed that," Tyler spoke. "But I was feeling... I don't know. I just felt like we should stop for now."

Joshua nodded understandingly. "That's okay. I don't mind," he sat back against his headboard and pulled Tyler back into the position they were sitting in before.

"I'm sorry," Tyler apologized guiltily.

Joshua looked at him. "Hey, don't be sorry. It's okay. I don't ever want you to feel uncomfortable. That's more important than us making out," he cracked a small smile.

"Okay..." Tyler trailed off, laying his head on Joshua's chest.

The two continued watching the movie until Tyler spoke up again.

"Hey, Joshua?"

"Yeah, beautiful?"

Tyler blushed at that.

"I like being at your house. I feel like I can breathe."

"I like you being at my house too."

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