Chapter 5 - Kiss.

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Grayson's POV:

"Grayson." I heard Connor call my name as I'm talking to Olivia about this party we're getting ready to go to.

"I'll be back." I said as I got up from the couch and walked over to Connor. He signals me to follow him into the kitchen, this is odd. Nonetheless, I follow him into the kitchen.

"Remember the pact, right?" He asked.
"The pact of the group or our pact?" I question as I felt slightly nervous about this question.
"Our pact, between you and Ethan with me." He said sternly.


"Yeah, why?" I play it off.
"You and Olivia seem to be closer, If it's friendly then continue but If it's not then watch it Dolan." He warned.

I can't tell Olivia about this, she'll definitely freak out and overthink everything. We just started getting closer and I can't let this go.

"It's friendly." I stated.
"It better be. Now go find yourself a girlfriend tonight or something." He joked slightly, yet I feel like there's some truth hidden in there. He wants me to find another girl to distract myself with so I can prove to him there's nothing going on.

I just laugh and start heading back into the living room, this is truly uncomfortable for me.

"Actually wait, kiss a girl tonight to prove it's just friendly." He said which stopped me.

I can't do that.

"Dude, trust me it's just friendly." I said, trying to laugh this off and trying to get rid of the deal.
"Well if its is then just kiss some random girl, I don't see the problem." He said as his eyebrow raised.

"Let's go!" Ella yelled from the living room.

"I'll be watching Dolan." He said before walking out of the kitchen.

I can't do this to Olivia.


Olivia's POV:

"Grayson's the designated driver tonight." Ethan yelled over the music.
"Actually, I'll take it for the team." Connor said and everyone was taken back.

What's that about? No one ever volunteers for that, especially Connor.

Something happened between Grayson and Connor because he's been sorta distant and dry. I hope it wasn't anything bad, things between us have been pretty good.

"Chaser?" Ethan asked me as he stood next to me. I shook my head in disagreement as a huge smile formed on my face.
"Have I influenced the little one?" Ethan joked and I playfully push his shoulder.

"One, two, three." Allison yelled and there we go taking our normal shots of every party.

"Olivia, down to take three more?" Ethan asked as he raised his eyebrow. I thought to myself for a second, this is going to be bad but I want to. I looked around and noticed everyone left but Ethan.

I nod and we got to it.

5 shots in now.

"Ethan!" I giggled as he danced around with me and Allison. I'm so drunk, I feel like a new person tonight.

Connor and Ella then joined us, they seem to be having fun as well. Seeing Connor sober at a party is weird.

"Where's Gray?" Ethan slurred as he leaned on to me, I smiled as my eyes were on him but then on Connor.

"He's with some girl." Connor said nonchalantly.

My heart sunk.

Why do I feel sad about it? I don't care. We aren't supposed to be a thing either way.

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