Chapter 48 - I need everyone.

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We're all sitting down in the kitchen as we all anxiously wait for Connor to get home.

By we I mean Ella and Allison. Allison knows now and she's really excited. I just needed to tell everyone about this now, my bump is growing more and it's a constant worry of mine of it being noticeable.

"I think he's here." Ella said as we heard a car pulling in and I swallowed the lump in my throat. I want to tell Connor so I can get over that worry.
Ethan didn't exactly agree when I told him, he said I should tell Grayson first but I just can't. I'm not ready for his reaction.

The door opened, my heart sank.

I looked over at Ella and she gave me a smile, she's nervous too. We all are, we don't know how this will sit with Connor.

"Hey." Connor said as he walked into the kitchen and placed his cup on the counter. Ella and Allison greeted back but words didn't seem to fall out of my mouth. I watched him make his protein shake and Ella nudged my side, I have to do it.

"Con, can we talk real quick?" I asked nervously as I felt my legs trembling as I got up from my seat. He turned around and nodded. He finished up making his shake and I leaned against the wall.

What am I doing? How am I going to tell him?

"What's up?" He asked as he turned around and leaned against the counter. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked down at my hands.
"Promise me you won't get mad." I said as I looked back up at him and he raised his eyebrow.

"Depends, but I'll try." He said as he shrugged his shoulders. I know that's the best I'm really going to get from Connor. I know whether I like it or not, he's going to lose his shit.

I took a deep breath in, here goes nothing right?

"Connor I'm, I'm pregnant." I said as my voice came out weak. A weight was lifted off my shoulder, yet I was left trembling and with other weights on my back. His face went blank, he had no expression on his face. He looked over at Ella and Allison as if he looked for a reassurance, Ella nodded. He quickly looked back at me.

"Olivia are you serious? You have to be joking." He asked nervously as his voice was shaky. Anger slowly consuming his body as each second past.
"I'm serious Con." I said as my voice cracked. All the color from his face disappeared.

The room quickly filled with tension, unbearable tension. But my fear and worry didn't let me truly choke up on it, I waited for his next action or word he had to say.

Suddenly his hand hit the counter as he let out a sigh and I flinched. I watched his anger consume his body and I'm sure questions filled his mind. He looked at me, I felt my body grow weak as he did.

"Who the fuck did this Olivia? Who the fuck is the dad!" He yelled and I swallowed the lump in my throat. I can't tell him, I can't tell him that it's Grayson's. Grayson doesn't even know, I feel guilty for throwing him under the bus. I need more time.

"I don't know Connor." I said weakly, I felt myself trembling even more. I hate lying to Connor but I'm doing this to avoid this whole argument between him and Grayson.

"What do you mean you don't know Olivia? Are you fucking kidding me?" He yelled even more as he looked me dead in the eye.

"Connor please relax." Ella said softly.
"How am I supposed to relax when my sister is fucking pregnant from a one night stand and now she doesn't know who the guy is!" He yelled and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I looked over at Ella and she just sat there with a blank expression on her face. I shouldn't let Ella or Allison get into this, it's my problem.

"There's no way Olivia, you're not dumb enough to do that. Who's the guy?" He turned back to look at me and I felt extremely nervous now.
"I don't know Connor, I wish I did but I don't know who the guy is." I said nervously and he ran his hands through his hair.

He paced around the kitchen and my eyes followed him as he walked around the kitchen. He let out a sigh and looked at me. I felt nervous again.

"So now what? What are you going to do?" He asked as he leaned back on the counter.
"I'm just going to keep the baby and take care of it by myself. I'm trying to finish up schooling as fast as I can. I don't really know Connor." I said weakly as I felt tears dwell in my eyes and he quickly pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. I let out all my tears that I've held in for so long.

Of course I trust Ella and Allison so much and I tell them everything but Connor will forever be like my rock, he's been there for me through everything. We're always here for each other and we just need each other in order to function.

"You got this Olivia. I'll be here to help you and try to help you out with the baby. I'm sure everyone else will help out whenever you need anything. You aren't alone." He said as he hugged me tightly and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders.

"But Olivia this is a baby, this is life changing. You're going to be a mother and that's a big responsibility. You have to start preparing and doing all sorts of mother like things, life won't be the same." He said as he pulled away and I nodded. I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath in.

Life will definitely be different, which scares me the most. I could only hope that I can handle it.

"How far along are you?" He asked hesitantly and I smiled slightly. I placed my hands on my belly.
"3 months but I'm nearing my 4 months soon." I said slightly excited and his eyes widen. He took a moment but he smiled.

He pulled me in for a hug again and this time Ella and Allison joined in. It was like a small family hug, I needed this. I need to surround myself with the people who make the happiest and just need a lot of help from everyone because this is truly taking a toll on me and my mind.


"You told him I didn't know!" Ethan exclaimed as he turned around and looked at me. I nodded and he just stared at me with his eyes widen.

"First off, why did you tell him before Grayson? Secondly, why am I supposed to not know?" Ethan asked annoyed as he just stood there watching me.
"Because Ethan, if I told him you knew but Grayson didn't that would be too weird!" I said. Before I could continue Ethan interrupted me.

"You could've told him the truth there, hey Connor Ethan knows because Ethan walked in on Ella and I when I took my test." He said annoyed and with a sarcastic tone. He has a point and I hate that I'm wrong in this. I turned away.

"I told him because I know Connor won't leave me when I tell him. I need Grayson right now, I want to enjoy our relationship before he freaks out and just leaves me and finds some new girl." I spilled as I hugged myself. I'm so afraid of telling Grayson.
"Olivia just tell him, we'll all be here for you if he decides that." He said as he let out a sigh.

It's so easy for everyone, to them it's a simple task.
But to me it's something that could make me lose the person I love and the father of my baby. I'm afraid of losing him, losing us.

"Hey bitches!" Allison cheered as she walked in and I quickly looked at her. Grayson followed right behind her and his face went blank when he saw Ethan in my room. He looked over at me and sent me a small smile.

"Are you guys ready?" Allison asked and I nodded.
Grayson came around and stood next to me. Once Allison and Ethan walked out, Grayson and I followed them out. We're going out to eat with everyone.

We all made our way downstairs and met with Ella and Connor. We're taking my car for a change, though I'm not driving. Grayson is driving and I sat in front with him as everyone else sat in the back.

The night was great and I loved it. I think we all needed a night together where we all joked around and just hung out together. The whole night I couldn't help but admire Grayson, his smile and laughter. It all warmed my heart. I need to tell him soon but I'm just too afraid to do so.

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