Chapter 7 - Girls have needs.

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We're taking Ethan's jeep for a change.

"Hey sit in the front." Ethan said to me as we were walking ahead of everyone else.
"You sure? What about Grayson?" I asked, I would think Grayson gets the front seat. He just shook his head and smiled.

I have a feeling Ethan and I are going to be pretty good friends. I feel very comfortable around him.

Everyone was getting in and so was I, surprisingly Connor didn't say anything about me sitting in the front with Ethan. But I am not complaining.

This car ride is going to be longer than usual, this party is pretty far. But they're paying us a little more for attending this one. The ride consisted of Ella, Allison, and I yelling along to any song that came on. Connor and Ethan were laughing at our horrible vocals. Ethan's smile is so adorable, It's contagious as well. Grayson was on his phone the entire time, boring.

"Here we are." Ethan cheered as he finished parking and everyone rushed out of the car. I laughed due to everyone's eagerness to get to the party. Ethan and I took our time to get out.

"This house is huge." I said as I stood in front of it as Ethan approached the house as well. We were both blown away. Ethan and I walked into the house, it's actually really chilly outside. I left my coat inside the car, I don't want to lose it tonight.

"Are we planing on getting shit face drunk or just drunk?" Ethan asked as we made our way to the kitchen. He held me close because there's a lot of people in here.
"I'm not sure yet, I guess we'll see by tonight." I said as we finally made it to the others who were waiting.

We took the shots, two as usual. Ethan, Allison, and I took two more as Grayson waited around.

Ella took Connor to go dance, part one done.

"Okay boys lets go!" Allison cheered as she took ahold of Ethan and Grayson hand. Ethan quickly grabbed my hand to bring me along but I shook my head. He furrowed his eyebrows and pulled away from Allison's hold to walk back to me, Allison and Grayson noticed so they stopped and came back.

"What's wrong?" He asked me as he held my hand again.

What do I say?

"I have to use the bathroom." I lied.
"I'll go with you." He said and I immediately shook my head in disagreement. It didn't work.

"Let's go E!" Allison said as she grabbed Ethan's hand again.
"She has to go to the bathroom." Ethan said. Allison knew I was lying too, she didn't know what to say either.

"I'm fine Ethan, I can go by myself." I said sweetly.
"Remember the rule?" He said.

Don't go to the bathroom alone.

"I'll go with her, you two go dance." Allison said as she took ahold of my hand and walked me away from the boys before Ethan can say anything.

"Geez, maybe they do act like protective brothers." Allison said as we stopped.

"Have fun Olivia!" She said before leaving me by myself somewhere in the house.

Okay great, now to find someone to talk to.

"Hey." A unfamiliar voice spoke up.


Ethan's POV:

"Where's Olivia?" I asked Allison after she's been away from Grayson and I for an hour now.
"She went off to do her own thing, relax. The girl needs some fun in her life, Connor doesn't let men breath around the poor girl." She said nonchalantly.

That's true, Olivia doesn't hang out with much guys because of Connor. He's just doesn't want Olivia to get hurt.

"Yeah but for a reason." Grayson said annoyed, why is he upset?
"Yeah but the girl needs some fun in her life. Let her live, you boys can hook up with any girl but she can't?" Allison said annoyed, she's getting upset with Grayson.

"Okay let's just, have fun." I said as I try to break the conversation before Grayson takes it to another level.

Of course I want Olivia to have fun but I want her to be safe too. There's a lot of douchebags in the party.

"Let's go take another shot." I recommend, there's tension in the group.


Grayson's POV:

It's been about 2 hours and we haven't seen Olivia around, we were looking for her but then Allison said we should let it go. I didn't, I'm still looking for her.

The idea of her being with another guy makes me jealous, I know she's upset with me and all but I can't stay away from her. I never would've thought I'd have some sort of crush on my best friends sister.

"Gray, drop it." Ethan said as he ran into me.
"No E, what if she's having trouble or what if she ran into a douche?" I said with annoyance in my voice.

"Olivia's smart, give her some credit on picking her guys." Ethan said as he walked away.

That's debatable.

"Wait E! Come check upstairs with me." I shouted and pulled him back.
"For fuck sake Gray, fine let's go and if we find her, we're leaving her alone." He said sternly, no way I'm leaving her alone.

"Okay." I lied. Ethan and I started making our way upstairs, I can't help but to feel anxious.

"Hey! Where are you guys going?" Allison shouted and ran after us. She knows something we don't know.

"Gray wants to look for Olivia because he's worried about her." Ethan said annoyed.
"Gray just let her be, why are you acting like Connor?" She asked very annoyed.

"You know something we don't Allison, Why do you suddenly want to hang out with us and keep us away from Olivia?" I change the subject with the question that's been circling my mind.

Her eyes widen.

"Listen, Ella is keeping Connor distracted and I'm supposed to keep you guys distracted so you didn't have to play the big brother role. Olivia was upset earlier and we want her to have fun, get some action. The girl needs it! Girls have needs too, just like you guys." She spilled.

I'm not letting her sleep with a guy here, not a chance.

"Grayson!" Ethan yelled as I ran upstairs.

I went up each step easily until I was faced with a bunch of people making out. My eyes scanned the hall, my eyes landed on a couple going into a room.
The girl has a pink outfit, I can't remember what Olivia is wearing. The guy carried her into the room as they were making out and having her legs around his waist.

"Grayson!" Ethan yelled as he pulled me back.

The girl suddenly looked at me, Olivia.

"Let's go!" Allison said as she pushed me away and the guy looked at us as well. Olivia seemed afraid, why?

The guy then fully took her in the room and that's when I pushed these two away from me and ran towards the room they went in. I opened the door before they can lock it.

"Grayson!" Oliva yelled as she pulled away from the guy.

"Let's go." I said as I pulled her wrist and dragged her out of the room, my heart was pounding.
"What the fuck is your problem?" She yelled and pulled away from me, Allison and Ethan caught up to us.

"You can't hook up with random guys here." I said upset but wish I hadn't said it harshly.
"Oh but it's okay for you to hook up with a girl at a party?" She yelled and now people were looking.

"Stop let's talk outside." I said as I grabbed her hand but she pulled away quickly. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face her. She's so stubborn, just like her brother.

Instead of saying something, she just grabbed Allison's and Ethan's hand and walked away with them.


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