Chapter 55 - Lost & Found.

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Ethan's POV:

"Let's go!" Grayson yelled as I walked over to him with my keys in my hand. I looked over at him and noticed the bags underneath his eyes were more prominent than usual, he's a mess.

Olivia didn't come over last night and I had asked her if she was on her way there but she ignored me. I told Grayson to give her space and he did but now it's the next day and she's still not here. Now Grayson is freaking out, so am I but I'm trying to keep it together for him.

We called Allison and asked her if by any chance Olivia was there but she said no and now she's worried about Olivia. I texted Ella about it but she hasn't responded. I didn't know what happened yesterday until Grayson told me how Connor found out.

I wonder if he would care that Olivia is by herself and no one has a clue where she could be.


Ella's POV:

"Connor." I said softly as I walked into his room and he was laying in bed. Olivia thinks Connor doesn't care and is being selfish but he's just trying his best to protect her. Though he isn't the best but his intentions are pure.

He turned around and his eyes were puffy, he's been crying all night because he can't help but blame himself for Olivia leaving and her being with Grayson. Everything is catching up to him and he feels like he's failed to protect Olivia once again.

I walked in and sat down at the end of his bed and he sat up. He ran his hands through his hair then buried his face in his hands.

Ethan texted me saying Olivia didn't come home last night and they don't know where she could be. I'm extremely worried and I've been on the edge on telling Connor about it but I think we should all go look for her.

"Connor they can't find Olivia." I spill and I felt my heart racing as I did. I'm not the best at being straight forward but I knew I just had to say it. Connor's head shot up and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean they can't find Olivia? Didn't she go with Ethan and Grayson?" He questioned and I shook my head slightly. He blinked a few times before getting up and grabbing his keys from his dresser.

I immediately followed him to his car. I should text Ethan back and tell him we're going to go look for her as well. Though I don't want Connor and Grayson to see each other for a bit.

Olivia where did you go?


Grayson's POV:

I don't know where else she could be, I've called her and texted her all day and night. I've looked everywhere and she isn't anywhere.

"Where do we go now?" Allison asked softly and I tried thinking of any other place or hotel we could stop by and see if she's there. Ethan ran his hands through his hair and shrugged his shoulder.

"Try calling her again." Ethan said and Allison started calling her but again, voicemail. I let out a sigh and burry my face in my hands. I try and hold in my tears but I can't anymore, I'm really worried about Olivia and I just don't feel right knowing she's by herself.

"Connor and Ella are looking for her too." Ethan said and my head shot up. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What he cares now?" I asked as anger filled my mind. He's the reason why this is happening in the first place.

"Gray that's his sister." Ethan said sympathetically and I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I don't care about Connor right now, we need to find Olivia now. Where the fuck can she be? I've thought of every place she could possibly be but she's nowhere.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrating and I immediately check who it is, It's Olivia.

"Olivia where the hell are you?" I ask immediately as I placed my phone by ear and my heart starts beating quickly.
"I'm at your house, where are you guys?" She asked curiously as if she didn't just go missing the whole night and morning.

"We were looking for you, where were you?" I asked and I heard her moving around. I mouth to Ethan to head back home and he nodded. She's really playing this off well.
"I'll tell you when you get home." She said as I heard her moving around a couple of things. What is she doing? I just hold onto my questions and tell her that I'll see her in a bit. I hang up and explain whatever I can to Allison and Ethan.

"Allie can you text Ella that she's fine." Ethan said and Allison nodded. I continue to look out the window as I impatiently wait in my seat. Where could she have gone?


I immediately ran up to her and pulled her into a hug. I held onto her tightly as I feel a relief of her being in my arms, she's safe and so is the baby.

"Olivia what the fuck, where were you?" I ask immediately as I pulled away and she smiled brightly. I could tell she's still sad and her eyes were slightly puffy. Allison pulled her into a hug immediately as she caught up and I just wait there.

"I didn't want to bother you guys so I got a hotel and slept there. I just needed time away from everyone, I needed to clear my mind." She said and I let out a sigh. I pulled her back into a hug.
"You aren't a bother Olivia, I've told you this before." I said as I kissed her forehead but she just smiled. I know she still feels like a bother.

"And this morning I went to go talk to Derek and I still have the job offer secured for you and Ethan." She said happily as she pulled away and my eyes widen. Olivia truly cares about Ethan and I more than she probably cares about herself.
"Olivia you should've came home first and then we could've handle that afterwards. We were all worried about you." I said but she just smiled.

I held onto her hand and we all walked back inside. I took Olivia back up to my room, we need to talk and figure out what we're going to do next but I just want to cuddle with her. I'm so glad she's safe and back home with me. I'd fucking lose it if something happened to her.


Olivia's POV:

"Don't ever do that again Olivia, don't leave without telling anyone." Grayson said as he squeezed my thighs as I got on top of him. I nodded and pecked his lips.

I really was worried about Ethan and Grayson losing that job offer because of what happened yesterday with Connor. I needed to secure it before Connor could do anything.

Grayson placed his hands on my belly and planted a few kisses and I smiled brightly. We can slowly start working on us and our family now. I know he's going to be a great dad.

I pecked his lips once again and he deepened it. I giggled softly as he flipped us over swiftly. I felt my body sink into his comfortable bed. Our lips reconnected and his hands held my waist.

His lips slowly made their way down my neck and I whimpered softly. I rest my hands behind his neck as I pulled him closer. I'm so happy that Grayson and I can finally just be us without hiding it from anyone or worrying about Connor.

"Grayson." I whimpered softly as he sucked on my sweet spot and his fingers dug into my waist. I tug on his hair slightly as he continued.
"Olivia." He groaned as he pulled away and stared at me with lust in his eyes. He took ahold of my hands and pinned them on his bed.

"Gray, we should probably figure out our next move now." I said and he immediately shook his head.
"My next move right now is doing you then we can talk babe." He said as he began kissing my neck again and I bit my bottom lip.

Gosh I love this boy so much.

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