Chapter 58 - The move.

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"I should wait in the car right?" Grayson asked nervously as he walked me to the door. I nodded and he took a deep breath. I don't think Connor and Grayson should see each other just yet.

"Please be careful, if you change your mind then we could just head home and be happy." He said as he hugged me and I chuckled softly. He's been trying to convince me to stay all morning.
"Gray, it'll be fine." I reassured him once again as he kissed my forehead and sent me a small smile. He then pulled away and began walking back to his car, I watched him walk back and enter his car. That's when Ella opened the door and let me in.

As I walked back inside memories filled my mind, I remember when Connor and I first got the apartment. We were so proud of ourselves for finally getting something ourselves without our parents money or help. It was a start to a great beginning.

I noticed the small table I convinced Connor to get in the first place was filled with a bunch of letters and his keys were thrown on there. I walked over and placed them on the small hook, Connor was never one to put his key on the hook.

I turned around and noticed his shoes were kicked off to the side. I walked up the small steps and noticed the living room is so dull, the living room that was once filled with friends every single day. Connor and I weren't sure how to fill this room.

I looked over to Ella and she signaled that Connor was in the kitchen. I nodded and slowly made my way there. As I walked further into the living room I noticed the photos we had on the wall weren't there anymore.

The dinning room was slightly messy, the chairs weren't pushed in all the way. The cabinet we have filled with glasses and alcohol is now empty, he's been drinking. I felt a pit in my stomach.

As I turned into the kitchen I noticed he wasn't paying attention, he was looking out the window. His hands were interlocked with each other as he waited patiently. I looked around the kitchen and noticed it wasn't as clean and spotless as before.

"Con." Ella called out softly and he immediately turned around. His eyes met mine and his eyes widen.

My heart sank.
He looks horrible.

The bags underneath his eyes were worse, it seemed like he hasn't slept in days, weeks. Stress is written all over his face, he's tired and stressed. Sadness filled his eyes, he's sad. His hair is long and messy. He hasn't shaved, Connor loves having a clean cut. He didn't look like himself.

Ella was right, he's hit a new low.

He immediately got up and rushed over to hug me tightly. I felt my body immediately give in and I hugged him back tightly. Connor gives the best hugs, you just feel safe and feel like everything will be okay. I shut my eyes tightly as I felt tears wanting to spill.

"I'm sorry Olivia, I'm so fucking sorry." He spilled as his voice cracked and he cried. He let out every single emotion of his spill into our hug. Connor doesn't deal well with his emotions. He turns to alcohol. He continued to hug me.

I slowly pulled away and he slowly let go as I did. His eyes examined my face as he tried to read any expression I gave but he continued to search until I smiled and he smiled back, his face lit up.

I don't know what to say, I'm lost for words. I have so much to say and ask but I just want him to smile and want him to be okay.

"I'm sorry Olivia. I really am, I just, I, I'm sorry. I've really missed you and, and I just really am sorry." He stumbled on his words as he tried his best but I just smiled even more. I pulled him into a hug and held him tightly. He hugged back again.

"Let's talk about an apology later, you need to freshen up kid." I said as I attempt to lighten up the mood and he nodded and smiled. He pulled away and waited for me to move or do something. I signaled him to follow me as I walked over to his bathroom.

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