Chapter 45 - Toxic.

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Grayson's POV:

"Ethan!" Olivia giggled as Ethan walked in the living room carrying her and Ella followed behind and she laughed as well. I glared at Ethan as he put her down on the couch and sat next to her.

My eyes were glued to Ethan. He knows she's my girlfriend, so why is he trying to make a move on her? They've been closer than ever and now it's bothering me a lot. He's been hanging out with her and Ella more recently and I don't understand why. He has nothing in common with them.

Olivia's been distant and she's been pushing me away every time I kiss her or try anything. But when it comes to Ethan carrying her or even hugging her, she lets him? I don't get it. Something's going on between these two. I try to talk to Olivia but Ella or again, Ethan take her away.

"Guys can we go to beach today?" Allison asked and everyone looked at her now.
"Yeah let's go." Ella cheered and Olivia looked over at her, she's worried about something. Ethan looked at Olivia then Ella but Ella didn't notice them. Olivia looked at Ethan with a concerning look and his eyes examined her face, he wasn't sure what was wrong and neither did I.

"I'll pass." Olivia said shyly as she looked down at her shoes and I raised my eyebrow. Olivia loves the beach, she's always down to go whenever we can.
"What? No c'mon Olivia!" Allison pleaded and Olivia shook her head.

Allison tried convincing her but she declined everything and eventually Ella drew the attention away from Olivia but I still stared at her. She looked at me and quickly looked away, she looked at Ethan. He looked at her then over at me.

"Gray let's go pick up the skateboards." Ethan said and I raised my eyebrow. I looked at him and then back at Olivia, she's trying to distract herself. She signaled Ethan to get my attention off of her.
"You can go get them, I'll be fine without mine." I said dryly and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to take a nap." Olivia said softly as she got up and quickly made her way to her room. I need to find a way to get to her room without any of them noticing.

"Is she okay?" Allison asked once we heard Olivia close her door. Ella nodded.
"She's just tired, schools been tough on her and going out late doesn't exactly help her." Ella said.

I forgot Olivia is focusing more on school, I feel bad. I should ask her how that's going but I can't seem to get ahold of her ever.

"I think going to the beach would help her relax you know? De-stress from all that and just lay around in the sun." Allison said and Ella nodded. The beach would really would be refreshing for her.

"She's just a little insecure about her body, that's also why too." Ethan added and I looked at him.

How does he know this and why does he know this Did Olivia tell him? Why didn't she tell me?

Why is our communication going out the window? We're losing one of the most important keys to our relationship. I'm not letting us fall apart like that.

"Why?" Allison asked as she frowned. Ella looked over at Ethan but then away then at me but soon looked away. Ella has also been very dry around me, I still don't know why she's mad at me. Ethan shrugged his shoulder and got up, he went into the bathroom.

"El you should convince her to tag along with us, it'll really help her." Allison said and she nodded.

I felt slightly out of place being here with Allison and Ella, I'm never really around them unless Connor or Olivia are around. I felt like a third wheel to their friendship.

I got up and went into the kitchen and got some water. How do I get to Olivia?


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