Chapter 15 - New environment.

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I'll let you know when to play the song above, if you're interested.


It's been a few days since we've been here, I'm having a hard time adjusting because of the jet lag. I think it's gotten better now, I'm catching up with everyone. Basically everyone is able to handle it and somewhat adjust. Ella struggled as well but not as much as I am.

Every night I'm wide awake and everyone is asleep, well not Grayson. He tells me to come into his room and we just cuddle until he falls asleep. Which he doesn't stay up too long, we probably talk for about 15 minutes or so then he falls asleep. I stay around in his room to be in his arms but before anyone wakes up I go back to my room

Ethan and Grayson have been closer than ever and it's cute, I love seeing them happy. Grayson and I don't hang out as much but honestly I'm okay with it. As long as he's happy and hanging out with Ethan, it makes me happy.

Connor and I don't fight as much, but we do still fight a little. As per usual, Ella calms down the situation. She's like our other sibling we've never had.

Tonight we have a party, Connor somehow got us a party over here. He said it should be pretty cool so now everyone is getting ready. I wore something rather simple. Just a white crop top and some denim shorts. Now I'm just waiting for everyone else to finish up.

"Hey." I said happily as I walked into Grayson's room, he's shirtless and looking for a shirt. Grayson has been more shirtless around the house and It's so hot.
"Hey." He greeted happily.

I walk up to him and hug him from behind. I rest my head on his back as he continues to look into his closet looking for something.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he turned around as I pulled away. I nodded and turned around to go sit on his bed. Suddenly he pulled me back by wrapping his arms around me and pressing his body against my back. I giggled softly as I felt him leave kisses along my shoulder.

"Your ass looks great in those shorts." He whispered into my ear and I bit my bottom lip, his voice was raspy and It's so hot.
"Thank you." I said softly as I felt his lips planting each kiss along my skin, I shivered slightly. I pulled away but turned around and held his hand as his eyes scanned my body. He licked his lips and his eyes met mine.

"You look hot." He said, his voice was still raspy.
"So do you." I admit as I placed my hand along his stomach, his abs. His eyes followed my hand then back up to me.

"Is everyone ready?" Allison yelled throughout the house, wow she's ready?

I sent Grayson a smile and he returned it before putting on his shirt. He finished getting ready so we can start heading out.


"Let's go little Hughes!" Ethan yelled as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed loudly as he ran towards the house. Allison and Ella laughed and ran after us.

Once we settled inside we grabbed some drinks, Grayson's designated driver for tonight. He just took the first two shots we always take.

There's a lot of people here, I wasn't expecting anything so this is slightly overwhelming. But everyone seemed so friendly and welcoming. Everyone kinda went their own way, just Grayson and I stuck together.

"Care to go dance?" I asked Grayson as I took ahold of his hand. He smiled and nodded. We ran off to dance where the whole crowd is dancing and jumping around. That's where we found everyone, we all danced together and others joined us. The whole night we all spent jumping around and dancing around with each other or others at the party.


After a few hours later and many shots and/or drinks later, Ella, Allison, and I are looking for the boys. We suddenly heard them cheering and coming our way, but Grayson wasn't with them.


"We got Grayson a fling for the trip!" Ethan cheered as his arm went around Connor and he seemed excited as well.
"She's hot, stunning. Definitely Grayson's type." Ethan added and Connor agreed with him.

That hurt.

I wonder if I fit his "type."
I wonder what his type is.

"Let's go home! I'm tired." Ella complained but they shook their head.
"Hold on, let Grayson talk up the girl and see where it goes." Ethan said and I felt a rush of anger flood my body.

"I'm tired too, I want to go home." I demanded, I'm not having it. Grayson is sober enough to walk away from her if he wanted to. That's on him if he still wants to hook up with other girls like he has before. I'm not interested in douchebags.

"Olivia." Ethan and Connor whined and I rolled my eyes.

Play the song above now.

"Whatever, I'm getting another drink." I said as I turned around, I felt slightly dizzy but nothing too bad.

"Haven't you had too much?" Connor asked. It's a simple question, yet I took it to heart.

"Do you expect me to wait around for your friend to talk up a girl so he can just fuck her back at our place?" I said harshly before walking away from everyone.

Other people were getting drinks and I feel bad for going over with my bad mood. I tried to lighten up and approach them calmly as I made me way in.

"Hey." Ethan grabbed my arm and pulled me back after I got my drink. He took the beer out of my hand once we got out of the crowd.

"What's wrong?" Ethan asked as his eyebrows furrowed. I reached for the beer but he pulled it away.

This is annoying me, I'm not a child.

"I'm tired and want to go home but you douchebags want to take home some girl." I said annoyed and took my beer back.
"We're going home in a bit, relax. No need to drown yourself in beer." He said almost under his breath.

The anger grew.

"If you're coming over to me to lecture me then leave me the fuck alone Ethan." I raised my voice and pushed past him. He pulled me back and pinned me against the wall, I avoided eye contact.

"You need to relax." He said, his voice was raspy.

My eyes caught on to Grayson, he's kissing the girl. She sat on the counter latching herself onto him. I looked away and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Are you, crying?" Ethan asked as he was taken back. I wiped my eyes and shook my head, I pushed passed him. I was going towards Grayson but I had a plan.

As I walked towards them, I didn't go completely close to them. I sat down on the counter and Ethan followed me.

"What are you doing?" Ethan asked, he was completely confused.

Grayson heard Ethan's voice.

Ethan got closer and I wrapped my legs around him, his hand rested on my thighs as he watched me. I pulled myself closer to him, my hands resting on his neck as I smashed my lips on his.

He didn't kiss back, he was shocked but soon he kissed back. His hands grabbed onto my waist. I felt my heart beating quickly. Ethan's lips trailed down to my neck and he immediately found my sweet spot, he sucked on it softly and I whimpered loudly.

Suddenly Ethan was pulled off of me, I look up and noticed Grayson is fuming.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He yelled but I got off the counter and walked away. He pulled me back immediately, harshly. His eyes were on me, his breathing is heavy. I looked away from him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He yelled again and I felt my body shake slightly.
"Relax Gray." Ethan slurred slightly as he pulled Grayson but he didn't budge.

"Yeah Gray relax, go back with your fling." I said annoyed and pulled away from his grip.

That pissed him off even more.

I grabbed Ethan's hand and brought him along back with the others before anything else happened.

Fuck him.

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