Chapter 28 - I won't tell.

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Connor and Chris are hanging out today. They're going out somewhere, Connor is currently in the shower.

So I took this as an opportunity to talk to Chris.

"Hey." I said as I walked into the living room where Chris is sitting down using his phone.
"Hey Olivia." He said happily as he put his phone away in his pocket. His accent is slightly stronger than usually.

I sat on the couch across from him, he sent me a warm smile and so did I. A sense of guilt took over me, he's a nice guy and all but I like Grayson.

"I was thinking we can hang out sometime, you know kinda get to know each other." He said shyly and I smiled. That's so cute, he's shy. It reminds me how Grayson gets shy when he's not around Ethan.

What do I say to that?

"Yeah of course, I just. Would you mind if we can be friends instead of, you know." I said as I regret every single word that came out of my mouth. I felt horrible.
"I don't mind at all! I assume you have a thing going on with Grayson? If not, I think he likes you." He said with a small chuckle.

My heart fluttered. Hearing others say they think Grayson likes me just flatters me.

"Yeah, we're actually dating." My voice trailed off as I felt my cheeks blushing.
"But please don't tell Connor or anyone! I'm not supposed to tell anyone really." A sense of panic took over my body as I realized what I just did.

I think Chris saw it.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." He said as he did the zipper motion to his mouth. I laughed softly at his gesture.

"Thank you Chris, it means a lot." I said with a smile. I felt at ease now that we're cool and all. This made me want to become better friends with Chris. I'm sure he'd make great friends with Ella and I. Possibly when he's drunk, Allison.

"But we should definitely get some coffee sometime and get to know each other because you seem like a great friend." I said nicely.
"Thank you! So do you, Grayson is one lucky fella. I'm glad we can be friends at least." He said happily.

Before I could say anything else, Connor walked in.

"Oh hey, we're going out real quick. Do you want anything to eat?" Connor asked and I shook my head.
"No thanks, I'll make myself some toast." I said nicely. He nodded and signaled Chris towards the door.

They both left and I quickly ran towards my phone to text Grayson that they left and he can pick me up. He wants to go out to get something eat and then we can hang out.

I started getting ready, I wore something rather simple.


"Hey babe!" Grayson greeted happily as I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. His arms wrapped around me felt great.

"You look great." He said and I felt my cheeks already heating up, I smiled brightly.
"Thank you so do you." I said happily.

We got into his car and drove to some coffee shop we've gone to a couple times together, it's cute and simple. We decided to sit outside for a change.

"So I talked to Chris today like I told you I would last night." I reminded him as I took a sip of my coffee. He was bitting into his avocado toast. His eyes looked at me.
"Everything is good! He took it well and he said that he thought we had a thing or at least he thought that you liked me." I said happily and he smiled.

I took a bite out of my toast as I was eyeing it for a while now, I'm starving.

"Glad he got the message." Grayson said before taking a sip of his coffee.
"But I accidentally slipped up and told him we were dating." My voice trailed off.

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