Chapter 40 - Kick his ass.

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"Maybe we should take you to the hospital." Ella said as I hung around the toilet. I've thrown up so much this morning, more than anyone else. Connor drank more than me and he's alright, but then again Connor is use to this and my system is probably hating me for drinking that much.

"I'll be fine, I just haven't had that much ever in my life." I said as I cleaned myself up and went back to bed, I feel absolutely sick. I snuggle into my bed and closed my eyes once again.

"How is she?" Grayson asked.
What is he doing here? Ella must've called him because no ones home besides her and I.

"She's dead, I told her we should take her to the hospital because she's just keeps getting up every hour or so to puke." She said and I turned around, giving them my back.

"I have to go though, so just please keep an eye on her." Ella said worriedly, great.

She eventually left and Grayson walked her out. I don't want to be alone with him, I don't want to deal with our issues or anything right now.

He walked back in.

"You can leave if you want." I said dryly. He let out a sigh.

"I'm not leaving you, lets go." He said and I turned around, I looked at him confused.
"What do you mean let's go?" I asked.

"I'm taking you to the hospital, lets go." He said sternly and I immediately shook my head and turned around. I don't know why they're making a big deal. I know when something is wrong, this is normal. There's no reason for me to go, I haven't had any of the symptoms that indicate that I need actual medical attention.

"No, I'm perfectly fine. I haven't showed any symptoms of anything server. It's a hangover, people get those when they drink a lot." I said annoyed.
"Stop being a smart ass Olivia, lets go." He said sternly as he walked over and pulled me out of bed. I pushed him away and snuggled back to bed.

"Olivia." He sternly.
"Leave me alone." I said annoyed.

He let out a sigh and sat down on my bed.

"Why don't you want to go?" He asked.
"Because I'm fine, yes I feel like shit but I'm actually fine. I'm not concerned, I will be if I have a rapid heart rate, my breathing is faster than usually or if I throw up blood." I said. He didn't say anything.

I know I'm right. I've been through this before, Connor and I use to have to be alert with my dad when he would drink and have to be taken to the hospital for it.

"Can we talk about last night?" He asked.
"No." I said as I shut my eyes. He let out a sigh and soon joined me in bed. He wrapped his arms around me and planted a kiss on shoulder.

"Gray!" I whined softly as he pulled the covers and got underneath them. He wrapped his arms around me once again and kissed my shoulder. I smiled brightly. I love him so much, I'm so lucky to have him. To have him deal with me and put up with hiding us for this long.

"I'm sorry about last night, you didn't do anything. I pushed you away because I saw Ella and Connor walking over to us." I said.
"What were you anxious about?" He asked and I swallowed the lump in my throat, I don't want to tell him but I should.

"Ethan saw what we were doing in the kitchen and I don't know it made me embarrassed and anxious." I said and he kissed my shoulder again as I explained.
"Nothing happened between you two right?" He asked and I nodded.

I can't tell him what Ethan asked me last night, that has to stay between us. Grayson will lose it if he finds out Ethan did that.

He pulled me over and sat me on top of him, I rested my head on his chest as he rested his hands on my back. I pulled the cover over us as I got comfortable.

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