Chapter 19 - Aftermath.

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"Olivia! Living room now!" Connor yelled as I was in the kitchen getting myself some water.

Grayson and I got home late yesterday, on purpose.
We went out to eat then we just hung out. It was nice to be away from everyone. We also got home when everyone was sleeping, which was at 3 in the morning.

"Where the fuck were you last night?" Connor asked as I walked into the living room. He's pissed, it's been a while since I've seen him like this.
"Out, I had to have Grayson out the house because he would've just kicked Ethan's ass all over again." I said nonchalantly, I'm trying to show that I don't care for Grayson.

That's hard, I care about him a lot.

"What time did you get home?" He asked.
"At three." I admit.
"Why?" He asked sternly.

I just said why.

"Like I said, I wanted the two to cool down. I hate tension in the house and you know that Connor." I said then took a sip of my water.

"Whats going on between you and them?" He asked sternly and I furrowed my eyebrows immediately.
"Nothing? Friendship?" I said, there's no denying I've gotten closer to the twins.
"Bullshit!" Connor yelled and I flinched slightly.

I hate yelling, It reminds me of my dad when he would yell at my mom all the time.

"Whatever Connor I told you exactly what's going on! I'm tired of you assuming I'm dating a guy just because we're friends. You know how fucking awkward you make it? That's like me assuming you're dating every fucking girl you talk to." I yelled back, I'm done.

He didn't say anything.

"Are you dating Grayson? Why the fuck were you two out so late?" He asked.
"There you go again! It's like everything I say goes into one ear and out the fucking other!" I yelled frustrated.

"Answer the question." Connor said sternly.
"No Connor! I'm not dating Grayson! For the love of god Con, listen to me! I literally have to repeat myself again and again just so you can say it's bullshit!" I yelled.

This time, Connor is right. Grayson and I are dating but he's still pissing me off.

"Olivia you need to relax." Connor warned but I just felt myself get even more upset.
"No! I'm tired of it Connor! I'm tired of not being to breathe next to another guy because then you get so over fucking protective! I can't live like this forever Con!" I yelled

"You know exactly why I do it Olivia." He said sternly.
"Not every guy is like Brandon! Brandon did hurt me a lot but I've learned from it! You learn from things like that Con." I pleaded.

"You don't know guys intentions like I do!" He yelled.
"No you don't! You truly fucking don't Connor!" I yelled back immediately. I felt myself getting even more upset by every word that leaves his mouth.

"Olivia relax." Ella called out as she walked into the living room and pulled me away. I pulled away from her.

"No Ella! I'm tired of this, I'm tired of Connor being so fucking controlling. You're just like dad!" I yelled at Connor and he froze.
"You're such a bitch!" He yelled back, he's pissed. I hit a nerve and I know I did.

"Hey hey! Stop you guys." Ella yelled as she pushed Connor away from me.

"Connor stop, you guys need space." She said and he shook his head.

"If you wouldn't have just been so desperate to sleep with one of my friends you wouldn't have been hurt by Brandon who just wanted you in his bed!" He yelled.

He hit a nerve.

"Fuck you Connor." I walked over to Connor to push him but I felt someone pull me away.

"Stop." Grayson said as he pulled me away from Connor. Ella dragged Connor out the front door and Grayson brought me in the backyard.


Grayson's POV:

"Babe relax." I said as I held Olivia close, she's crying.

That was really low of Connor to bring up Brandon, Olivia was really hurt over that. I remember when they broke up and Connor lost his mind. Olivia was crying a lot and Ella and Allison just hugged her.
Ethan and I had to deal with Connor who went to go look for Brandon.

I don't exactly know what happened between the two but I know Connor did say he used her. He just wanted to sleep with her and that pisses me off.

I remember Olivia wasn't around much when she dated him, which frustrated Connor a lot because most parties require all of us to go.

But Olivia did strike a nerve for Connor by comparing him to his dad. He absolute hates that.
They have a horrible relationship with their parents, especially their dad. Connor told me he was very controlling over his mom and Olivia. He treated them like shit.

These two often crash a lot, this isn't the first time they get in a heated argument. But this time the roles were switched. I took Olivia and Ella took Connor. Ella and Allison would go calm down Olivia while Ethan and I calm down Connor. But Ethan and Allison aren't home.

"I can't stand him anymore Grayson, he's so controlling and it's suffocating me. I can't live a normal life because of him." She vented as I rubbed her back.
"He is but, he's just trying to protect you. Though he doesn't know how to. Remember that day you came home from the breakup?" I asked and she nodded.

"He lost his mind. He lost it because he felt like he failed you and as a brother. He kept saying he's a horrible brother because he didn't protect you from being hurt by anyone else." I told her. Connor felt like shit, he wanted to keep Olivia safe. He doesn't want Olivia to be hurt especially after their whole parent situation.

She looked down at her shoes.

"I just don't know Grayson, I just want to be able to not hide us anymore! I just want us to be, well us." She said and I smiled.
"Me too babe, but with time we'll find a way. Don't fight Connor over it." I said.

Olivia was there for me and now it's my turn, I have to and want to be there for her.

We ended up going back inside because it started raining. We went up to her room and cuddled until she fell asleep. I stayed around a little more, making sure she stays asleep.

I move her hair out of her face, she's absolutely gorgeous. Her eyes were still puffy but she still looks beautiful to me. I kissed her cheek before heading out of her room. Before I did, I made sure to cover her with some blankets.

"What happened?" Ethan asked as I closed Olivia's door, I jumped slightly.
"You scared me." I whispered and jokingly hit his shoulder.

"Olivia and Connor had an argument and she just fell asleep." I explained.
"You took her this time?" He raised his eyebrow and I nodded.


"Was it that bad?" He furrowed his eyebrows and I just nodded.

"I'm gonna shower." I said before he asks anymore more questions. I want to avoid any more questions.

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